Q: What is hotter than a guy wearing pink?
A: A guy wearing pink...AND RED. Especially in stripe-format. Be still, my beating heart...
Ragazzi Room is really becoming something of an oasis for hipsters in the University Park area. I have to say I've been impressed at the quality of the staff and regular crowd. It's no Stumptown, but we can't expect that in LA, can we now.
In other news...my paper has been hovering at 4 pages for the last 2 days. I've been sprinkling it with fertilizer, but it simply will not grow.
Here, you can help me study for my exam:
- balanced: return of equal value, in a fairly immediate time frame (e.g. I buy a round of drinks, then you buy a round of drinks)
- negative: trying to get a better deal (e.g. that asshole who makes you buy him dinner all the time)
- generalized: time for return isn't immediate, and value doesn't need to be exactly equal (e.g. in a family)
Isn't kinship AWESOME?