This is from the notes I was taking during. It was kinda scribbled and I can't guarantee that I got everything word for word, but I got damn close. He was annoying as hell with that smirk. I hate that smirk. And I was yelling at the TV a lot. But that's not new, so on with the show.
SofTU 1/31/06
9:04 It’s reported that Cindy Sheehan has been arrested. “He’s not a great communicator, but he’s a heck of a guy.” Unknown Voice on TV
At the mention of MLK’s wife, every black face in the place is shown.
“The state of our union is Strong.” And he said it with a straight face. Huh.
“Enemies of Freedom.” Like a certain eavesdropping president perhaps?
“We seek the end of tyranny in our world.” Blah, blah, blah. We are the tyranny in our world.
“Allowing the violent to inherit the earth and we will fight to keep it.” Doesn’t that make us the violent?
“We’re in this fight to win and we are winning.” On what fucking scorecard are we winning? War is loss. There is no win.
“Reauthorize the PATRIOT Act.” Uh, no thanks.
“Terror Surveillance.” Huh, so saying that it’s terror related makes eavesdropping on your own citizens without cause okay. I’ll have to remember that. I wasn’t listening in on your conversation really; I was protecting my self from terrorism.
“We will not sit back and wait to be hit again.” No we’ll give up our liberties because our government has taken an atrocious act and used it to scare us all so fucking bad we’ll do anything.
“Our economy is healthy and vigorous.” Uh-Kay. Sure.
“Economy grows…” Goddamn that bothers me. Inanimate things can’t grow. They increase.
“Four years of uninterrupted economic growth.” Because of the tax cut? My ass and your face sir.
“Make the tax cuts permanent.” Horse shit.
“…The elimination of 140 programs that aren’t performing.” Is No Child Left Behind one of them?
“Congress did not act last year on my plan to save social security.” And the Dems stood and cheered. Thank you whoever started that. At least you looked a little less like pansy ass little wankers. They cheered and he glared for like a minute. Very nice.
“America is addicted to oil.” No fucking shit Sherlock.
“We’ve made a good start in the early grades with the No Child Left Behind Act.” What the fucking shit?
“In recent years America has become a more hopeful nation.” ?????? Wow. I got nothing.
There have been fewer abortions. Go figure, teach a kid how to use a condom instead of just telling him to not have sex and there is less unwanted pregnancy. Huh.
“American families fear activist courts who are trying to redefine marriage.” What the fuck? My family is more worried about not being able to pay the bills and the house going up for taxes. That’s what my family is afraid of right now.
“Reconize.” I’m pretty sure he meant recognize.
“Faith based groups and African American churches are receiving HIV/AIDS funding.” There is so much wrong with this I’m not even going to go into it.
“Will we turn back or will we finish well?” Hmmm. Can I pick?
So I was really only totally paying attention enough to count for the first like half hour, then I was on the phone and listening halfway. But these are the flashers I picked out and the number of times, that I caught, that he said them.
September 11th: 3
Terrorists: 11
WMD’s: 2
Terror: 6
Freedom: 14
Victory: 5
Coalition: 3
Isolationism: 7
Enemies: 7