Mrs. McGinty fixed my computer... again. I'm sure almost all of my updates say that, but thats serioulsy how awful my computer is.
I hope everyones Christmas was good. Mine was. Yeah, so I had a good day yesterday, even though I couldn't go with Kara. That made me angry. Hahaha.
Well anyways... want to know what is new with me?
Hmm... Well I spent Christmas eve with my Mom and Christmas with my dad. My mom's side got me all sorts of cool things like movies, sweaters, socks (YES), Italian Language tapes, and a hair straghtener. I already burnt myself. My dad's side got me all the more or less "high quality... low thought" gifts, but hey, I'll take them! I got too much money from my Uncle Bill, a weird bank thing from my Uncle Chuck, luggage, a video camera, and a TV from my dad, and a mini ipod from Liz's family. Very nice, very nice. My mom said she would get me a guitar so I can strum to myself when I'm lonely, but that never materialized... that isn't a complaint, meerly an explanation for my lack there of guitar. I'm not by any means serious about playing the guitar. I just like to strum.
The day after Christmas I just sat on my butt and watched TV, heard about the Tsunami in Asia (prayers for those people), and played with my luggage. No kidding.
Monday I went to the mall with Meghan, Kelli, Shal, and Katie. Kelli picked me up and we met up with Meg and then Shal and just wandered Deer Park. It was a lot of fun! Some girls started screaming at us and I just taped everything with my camera like an annoying psycho.
Tuesday I went to Peggy's house. Cristina (Balitaan), Kristen (Backe), and Sarah (Baynes) were there too. We ate a lot of candy, watched Ten Things I Hate About You, and then everyone went to sleep and Cristina and I had a somewhat intilectual/serious conversation until 4:45 in the morning, but then Peggy yelled at us and we went to sleep. Then we woke up and Peggy made me a seriously nasty omlette. I should have just made it myself. Seriously, it was gross!
Wednesday plans got royally messed. There were three things I was supposed to do. Two fell out and I ended up going downtown in the evening with Meghan, Shalu, Samir, and about nine of his friends. It was a lot of fun actually. We walked around and saw the bean. We were supposed to do this today, and since it was a bigger event more or less, my mom let me go. What a confusing lady. Anyways we walked around, ate thai food, saw the bean, saw the Christmas tree, and rode a train. What fun! We got back semi-late and watched Beauty and the Beast. Then we woke up this morning and Mrs. McGinty picked me and Meghan up. We came back to my house and she fixed my computer yet again, and Meghan and I watched a little While You Were Out. It was a bad episode, but we were emotionally involved, so we didn't change it. After they left my mother in I went to Fritzl's and had a two hour conversation about politics, the tsunami, and how people bother me sometimes, but I don't say anything, or how I can be really annoying. It was a good conversation. Then we went home and here I am, how interesting...