Wednesday morning was simply the best. I woke up to a phone call placed by Mrs. T to my mother... It was official... due to the one (ok like four) inch of snow that Lake County sustained; our great Carmel was shut down. Ok how great/stupid was that. We live in Chicago. Snow is not a new development. We don't live in Georgia. But hey, I'll take it. So I slept until ten and then Meghan called and said we were going to go sledding! Soon later Bridget picked me up and we met up with Jennifer and Meg at the McGinnis abode... Then we took a "short cut" to the retention pond and sledded to our hearts content. Jennifer and I were caught in an epic battle of who could get to the top of the hill first. She would have won if I didn't push her and watch her slide down ten feet. Don't worry, I got pushed too. There was lots of skanky/dirty whore snow... ew. Then Kelli G came with the toboggan and we went down like twice and then climbed into her car. Then I fell asleep on Meghan's bed for like an hour and went to McDonald's with Kelli and Jennifer and went home.
Thursday I thought we were going to have school off... but we didn't... technically. It started at ten, but I didn't go... YES! Meg, Katie, and I shoveled for these rich old people in Kildeer and then for my neighbor Millie... Then I rested up and later went to dinner with my dad. Great fun! Good food! Wonderful people! (How odd was that...)
Friday was seriously the longest school day I have experienced in my entire life. But after school I went with Meghan, Bridget, and Christopher to Red Robin... the burger I had was amazing! We had a "serious" discussion about a "serious" topic... it was our "awkward silence conversational piece". After we scoped out Chris and Meg's competition... Maggie Moo's... not as good as Cold Stone. Then it was off to the races to get to Bridget's house the fastest. Bridget won over Chris! Take that Meghan! You loser! When we got inside we made popping corn, watched Pretty Woman, and talked about how Chris is going to eat lobster with my dad sometime in February. Good fun.
Somewhere in the middle of all this, Shalu and I discovered that I have a ghost in my house... Her name is Lady S. She scares me. It's not a joke.
Today I woke up super early and went with Bridget and Meghan to Carmel for the entrance exam. Pretty boring, punctuated with meeting "the raff". Haha, he yelled at me, but jokingly. What a cool guy. After about six hours of that fun, Meghan and I were crabby as hell and didn't want to go out to lunch with each other. Not because we didn't like each other at the moment, just because we were both tired... it's good to have that kind of honesty... hahahaha. Isaac came over and took my bed away. I love him. What a nice guy. He yelled at me for not playing soccer anymore, but he doesn't play anymore either. Now I'm just cleaning... sort of... Mi familia y mis amigos are joining me tomorrow. If Martinez doesn't show up... I'm going to... eat all of her food.
This is the cool snow drift. It's still there if you want to see it in person.