i feel on a cloud. like the ones you feel when you're watching bridget jones or sleeping beauty. i hope i never come down.
Kelly32389 (6:54:34 PM): it's friday night!
Michabunk1 (6:59:18 PM): this is upsetting
Kelly32389 (6:57:14 PM): the ssnow is raining through my chimney a little, and landing on the cement. It's sounds like a chipmunk or soemthing bitting into food. perhaps a nut, so i came down the stair hearingit and went around the living room and snuck up on the fireplace.i made noise to see if the mouse or bat or watever it was would move. it didn't so i knew it wasn't someting that could hear. and yep so i figured out it was rain. and that sux. that's how much it's snowing!
Kelly32389 (6:58:06 PM): couldn't hear*
Kelly32389 (6:58:17 PM): wat have you been doing?
Michabunk1 (7:02:00 PM): absolutely nothing
Kelly32389 (7:24:12 PM): i'm so dissapointedKelly32389 (7:24:37 PM): it's like, they gave us our friday night on a thursday, and took away our thursday night.x2ndheartbeatx (7:27:48 PM): yeah, douchebagsx2ndheartbeatx (7:27:49 PM): hahaKelly32389 (7:25:21 PM): snowbags*Kelly32389 (7:25:23 PM): lolx2ndheartbeatx (7:28:32 PM): ahha Kelly32389 (7:25:33 PM): at least i can be high hahaKelly32389 (7:25:38 PM): yayKelly32389 (7:25:42 PM): hahax2ndheartbeatx (7:28:45 PM): haha luckkyyy