(no subject)

Feb 27, 2008 15:11

NAME: Kelly Elizabeth Yates.
DATE OF BIRTH: April twenty-ninth, making her twenty-five on twenty-six.
PLACE OF BIRTH: Branchburg, New Jersey
OCCUPATION:Being the only competent personal assistant on Marie Bouchard's staff. She collects coffee, makes florists cry when they foul up orders, and organizes better than your mother. It's a twenty-four hour employment, involving the occasional three-am wake-up call to heckle Britney Spears' people after the trollop has just been photographed wearing an L. Marie Bouchard design backwards; but if anyone was born to appease and organize the lives of the rich and famous, it's Kelly.

THE FAIRYTALE: The young child, from the Emperor's New Clothes.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: None, though from reincarnation to reincarnation, the young child has always had a propensity to be able to see through lies and falsehoods, as well as having an alarming habit of stumbling across people unclothed. It's a give and take situation, really.
RELATIONSHIP WITH TALE: The young child has always been a somewhat restless figure in Kelly's mind; for, in foil to herself, the young child lives to be the center of attention - the one that people listened to, talked about, the one that brought down an emperor. Indeed, this reincarnation is likely the least disruptive that the tale has inhabited, more inclined towards individuals that ignite social upheaval and figures of rebellion against general order. For the most part, Kelly has actively ignored the niggling voice in her mind encouraging disruptive actions; instead, it channels itself into her eclectic music taste (the aristocratic parodies of Gilbert & Sullivan, the defiance of Lou Reed, the grunge of Nirvana) and other sources of media entertainment. Yes, it must be said, that should you be awoken at two in the morning once a month to the blaring sounds of “I am the very model of a modern major general” seeping through your walls, chances are? You're living next to Kelly Yates.

DISLIKES: Mess. Floundering. Bullshit. Peanut butter getting stuck to the roof of her mouth. Peanut butter in general. Chuck Norris. Fame without substance. Being in the spotlight.
ENJOYS: Editing wikipedia articles. Organizing. Charts. Cleaning. Excessive Febreeze consumption. Chatter. Tuna. Working for Marie. Getting the job done right.

PERSONALITY: The epitome of the girl next door, Kelly Yates first appears to embody something of an “old world” charm, be it in her calm mannerism, floral skirts, and steadying presence in the hectic offices of L. Marie Bouchard. She's polite, accommodating, and will happily chat to most about all subjects under the weather. Indeed, in the cut throat world of fashion (where, Heidi Klum informs, you're either in or out), she seems something out of place, looking like a walking doormat with a side of apple-pie niceties.

First impressions are often deceiving. There's a reason Kelly Yates has survived working beneath a rumored sociopath for three years, and there's a damned good reason she can have Chuck Norris on the phone in under five minutes if he even THINKS of wearing a Bouchard design on the red carpet. For beneath the pleasantries and tulip skirts of the brunette? There are balls of absolute steel. Her ability to make delivery boys cry and interns quake in certain fear is near legend in the office and the minute Marie's dulcet tones are heard shrieking “KELLY. FIX IT.” as a result of yet another model going on a cocaine binge and no longer fitting into their clothes, you can be assured that in ten minutes flat, the girl will have Kate Moss' protege sipping Kälteen bars in milkshake form.

To be a personal assistant, one has to have a flair for organization and scheduling, and she's no exception to this rule. In fact, she epitomizes this rule. Everything in Kelly's life is organized. Her wardrobe is color co-ordinated by season and clothing type, her book shelves are alphabetized by author and genre, and one glance into her photo albums will show you twenty-seven years of photographs in perfect chronological order. Obsessed? Possibly. But her compulsions to order and straighten the clutter in her own life is lessened when she is placed outside her own apartment - a rather fortunate happening, considering she's far rather be seen by office employees as “quirkily organized” than “cleanlizilla”. No, not being one for states of denial (it's a rather difficult state to reside in when one's got a predilection for seeing the truth in matters), she's taken her neurosis in stride, constantly checking herself in public to make sure she isn't absently tidying anyone else's desk but her own or Marie's.

Adapting her behavior to the company she keeps is a running theme with the girl, a fact she neither sees as volatile or a remote betrayal to herself and personality; she sees it as a necessary tool in her life and line of work. She may not care for excessive profanity; but would never care to admonish those who do. She may not care for excessive violence; but will happily re-organize Marie's schedule to include an Eight-fifteen punishment of Ezekial Raub and consequential next morning cleaning service for her carpets. She may not appreciate the emaciated standard of beauty the fashion world encourages; but will replace a model's french fries with an apple without blinking an eye in the company dining room. It's a matter of compromise, Kelly believes, not personally participating in acts she finds unsavory, yet always possessing morals loose enough to understand and accept the actions of others without question.

It should be likely stated that Kelly is, above all, an agreeable girl. Occasionally ruthless; but agreeable, nonetheless. She regularly donates to charity, occasionally visits her grandmother, and is always there to provide tissues and a handful of gummi bears to a recently fired intern. There's a muted confidence to her, the result of the fact she knows she's an agreeable personality, and is neither the type to engage in the public bashing of another individual (unless, of course, upon Marie's orders) or carry a personal vendetta against others. If she dislikes your person? You'll be met with polite conversation. If she dislikes your commentary? You'll be met with polite conversation. If she dislikes you suggestions? You'll be met with polite conversation. Being openly rude isn't in her nature, nor is drawing unnecessary attention to herself. Kelly may have a habit of calmly refusing to take part in indulging in your bullshit; nor pandering to your lies - but it's all done with a blanket of decorum and hint of a smile.

She's not interested in the spotlight, far happier to toil behind the scenes; her satisfaction comes from seeing a finished product and knowing that she played a role in its completion. For whilst, like any person, the girl enjoys praise splashed upon her on rare occasions, her preference lies in the completion of tasks


PARENTS: Henry Yates (62); Deacon for the local Anglican church. Elizabeth Yates (58); elementary school teacher.
SIBLINGS: Julia Yates (twenty-four); university student, and constant chooser of horrendous boyfriends. Samuel Yates (twenty-one); university student, center of the family's attention.

BACKGROUND: There is nothing that particularly stands out when examining the union between Henry and Elizabeth Yates. It was a coupling based on mutual respect, love, and the fact they'd been dating since the ninth grade; her a mild-mannered elementary school teacher and him Deacon for their local Anglican church. Living in Branchburg, New Jersey, whilst their home-life may not have exactly been as saccharine as an episode of Seventh Heaven (nor with such flagrant product placement), they were certainly comfortable in knowing they could provide their children with a stable household.

Kelly was the eldest of three, time spent as a child between eating a variety of insects and developing an early passion for the Gilbert and Sullivan tapes her father played in the car when driving them to Sunday church. Religion was a constant fixture in their lives, and whilst the girl would later develop something of a moral ambivalence to the matter, had great appreciation as a young child for the faith her father was so resolute in. Already possessing a younger sister, it was at the age of six that what would quickly become the center of attention of their household was born, Samuel Yates being born prematurely, and suffering from spastic diplegia, a form of cerebral Palsy. And although he luckily suffered no mental retardation, he was both disadvantaged in movement and vision, causing an attention imbalance in the family. Samuel came first. She and her younger sister were entrusted to their own activities at most occasions, there being a generally accepted stance within the Yates family from the moment the boy's condition became clear; he was their priority.

This move into the background, the understanding that other people had to come before her has likely been the founding for her building dislike of being in the spotlight, of being publicly overexposed. Much of her childhood and later teen years were spent making sure her brother was comfortable, and rarely did situations revolve around her needs and wants. She quickly adapted to being the protective elder sister, providing attention to her younger sister when the girl felt suitably abandoned and usurped from the position of family “baby”, and quietly discouraging overt bullying when it came to her brother's attendance of school. Not one for enjoying trouble (and never wanting to place her family under more undue stress), this discouragement was never in the form of physical violence or public verbal tirades. No, Kelly learned early on that a certain modicum of guile was required when handling delicate matters; guile, and much practiced ability to make bullies and their various ilk consider wetting themselves. It helped when luring jocks into a quiet corner with a laxative-laced coffee and playing on possible unsaid possibilities of them getting “lucky” that she looked like she couldn't hurt a fly, before threats and admonishments were made.

In regards to her taledom, it was discovered early on (as has been the case of most reincarnations of the young child), her realization occurring after accidentally stumbling across her fourth grade teacher naked during a school camping trip. Approached by the Atheneum, Kelly never doubted their word, a fact due to both her age and her perchance to seeing the truth in matters. It's not a matter she sees as defining her, nor is it something she ever particularly dwelled on; but as she's grown, it's certainly made sense of much of her personality, and she's used her tale to hone her ability to see the truth in matters, as well as become a firm enthusiast (most surprisingly for those witness to her generally pleasant personality) rebellion invoking grunge rock and literature.

Not academically gifted, it was time organization, lacking procrastination and a strong work ethic that made the girl a successful student; her applications to college only strengthened by church-involved charity work and, it must be said, her sympathy invoking essay revolving around her brother's disability and the effect it had on her family. Accepted into Princeton under a general bachelor of Arts degree, she majored in Italian and French studies, flourishing under the rules and structure the languages had. Of course, there were obvious exceptions to each rule; but once one memorized endings and tenses, it was all a matter organized formatting. The four years at college were fairly easy for her, slipping quickly into a large social network of friends, and dividing time between her studies and working backstage at the Gilbert and Sullivan society. Of course, there was the fact that until it was rendered inactive, she had the habit of embarrassingly walking in on the nude Olympics each year, and had accidentally opened the dormitory door on no less than eighty-seven naked students; but those were sometimes hazardous (and sometimes not-so-hazardous when the dorm you walked into belonged to a boy resembling a younger Brad Pitt) blips along the road.

Her involvement in the fashion industry was hardly premeditated; her never having a particular interest in the world of brand names and emaciated creatures. However, fresh from graduation, she was accepted into a position as one of several telephone translators for the Bouchard company as they made dealings with Versace, and simply stayed well after as assistant to a marketing director after the man took a liking to her. From there, she steadily rose, jumping from director to director until settling as personal assistant to Marie Bouchard two years before.
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