Aaron, "Life Is Just Another Song", g

Jul 21, 2009 11:54

Title; Life Is Just Another Song
Characters; Aaron
Rating; g
Words; 386
Summary; A quick look at Aaron's life.
Disclaimer; I don't own them, I just like playing with them.
A/N; For Queen angeldylan628, who requested families or the next generation.

He'd never known where the music came from, he just knew that whatever he touched, whether it was a guitar or a piano, that he could make it sing. And even though nobody ever taught him anything, by the time he's old enough to go out on his own, he moves the people on the street to tears by just moving his fingers over the strings.

The music seems to be more to him than just outside his body, it's inside of him and surrounds him everyday, guides him through the night. His mind is never without a new idea for a song, never without the sounds of strings or keys or even drums. Sometimes, he thinks he remembers someone playing music to him, in another life, or maybe they're memories from before he was dropped off at the orphanage, he doesn't know.

He doesn't know a lot of about his own life.


He earns his money by playing his guitar and he doesn't use his degree for anything else but seducing girls and he likes his life. Until some day, someone appears at his doorstep and tells him to board a certain plane that'll take him somewhere that will change his life. Or so the man says. He wants to close the door when the man hands him some papers, papers from an international music label.

"We're very interested in your music, sir."

He doesn't know why he doesn't trust him, but he takes the papers anyway and closes the door. He doesn't look into the papers until he sees the car round the corner at the end of the street.


"You're going to Sydney?"

His friends react the way he thought they would react, really. They're sorry he's leaving, but they know it's a once in a lifetime and he shouldn't let it go like that.

"You've always been the best of us, Aaron, you know that. And besides, now you'll get to visit the land your Mom and Dad came from!"

Aaron doesn't doubt any more, then. He leaves, easy as that.


Next day, a newspaper clipping lines the walls of the schools and the flats where Aaron used to live.

"Airplane to Sydney crashes in South Pacific.
No survivors."

fic: lost, aaron, luau: 2009

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