Pokemon kinoki

Nov 04, 2015 18:53

Written in 2010 never edited. Logging here so I can get back to it someday

What I wrote for the first two days (i barely wrote yesterday) and I'll post what I write today tomorrow....

Chapter 1
I rolled over to my other side, away from the sunlight that was blinding me through the window. The clock on the wall ticked loudly at me. It was 9:30 and all I wanted to do was go back to my dream. I had friends there and they were pretty cool. Even though I'm pretty happy living in the laboratory town of Kinoki, Stalford Town, there wasn't anyone my age here and I've been more bored than usual since Nii-chan left. I pulled the cover over my head in an attempt to block the light so I could sleep longer. 
BANG! Knock. Knock. I sat up quickly, jumped out of bed, and into my closet. "Kelsy! Wake up! The professor sent me to get you!" It was Charlick's voice. Professor? Did my pokegear arrive? I put on whatever I could find and ran down the stairs not even bothering to brush my hair or do much else. 
"Morning!" I chirped at him. 
He raised an eyebrow and started towards the lab. His treecko jumped from his shoulder to mine to say hello, which he did by opening his eyes as wide as he could and staring into mine. I giggled and searched my pockets to check for any left over poke-treats. He happily took the only one I had, even through it was squashed and had probably been through the wash. 
"Don't feed him that." Charlick took the unrecognizable treat from Treecko and replaced it with a fresh one from his pocket before the little gecko creature could complain. 
Charlick waved his hand at me, already forgiven. 
"So what does the professor want? My pokegear is in right?" 
"If you already know then why are you asking?"
"Because he wouldn't bother sending you to come get me since I'd stop by after I woke up anyway." 
"Makes sense." He pretended to be wondering the same thing.
"You know don't you?"
"You're not going to tell me are you?"
"Yep." He grinned at my annoyance.
I've known Charlick for a couple of years now. I'm not really sure of his age, but he seems older than Nii-chan. He's the youngest scientist in town and the professor's closest assistant. I think he's been working on his own research though, he goes on trips a lot more now.

"Hi professor!" 
Professor Spruce looked up from the notes he was sorting through. 
"Is my pokegear in?" 
"Yes, it is. It's over here somewhere." He walked over to his desk with more papers and carefully looked through them for my package.
"Great! How much do I owe?"
"A favor."
"Professor, it's fine. I can pay you back."
He picked up the package and gave it to me. "But it's a big favor. And I think you'll enjoy it." He gestured towards a stool and had me sit down. He walked across the room and started rummaging through the closet. Professor Spruce isn't really known for his organization skills. He came back with a couple of bottles with blueish-green liquid. "This was created accidently last month when Treecko decided to run across some of Charlick's experiments knocking over most of them. The water pokemon seem to like it a lot. So I want you to deliver some to your brother in Sylam City." 
"Really!? Professor this is awesome! Can I go now!?"
"Yes. Just let me pack these up for you and you can head off. You have a map right?"
"Somewhere. I'll find it. Thanks Professor!" I carefully grabbed the case the Professor had put the bottles in and started for the door.
"Kelsy! Wait! I still have one more thing to give you. Since this trip will be longer than your usual trips to Settomu." He walked towards the back room waving me over. We walked out the backdoor into the lab's outdoor poke-pen. "You should take a pokemon partner with you. Go ahead and pick, but I do suggest one of those three since they're a bit stonger than the other pokemon." 
The three the professor had pointed to were a chikorita, a totodile, and a cyndaquill. They were playing by a puddle in the pen. The totodile had just splashed the cyndaquill and it didn't look happy about it, he spit an ember at the totodile's feet and waddled away. The totodile and chikarita giggled happily with each other in their own ways. 
I walked over to the cyndaquill and kneeled down next to him. "Can I pet you?" I asked reaching my hand out towards him. He stared at my hand for a moment and sniffed it for food misunderstanding me. The professor called my name and threw a small bag a treats at me. It hit my face and fell to the ground in front of me. The cyndaquill made a happy noise as it ripped the packaging open. "Hey, you can't eat all of that." I picked up the bag and finished opening it for him before giving him three little pieces. He made a cute gurgle sound as he ate his treats. He looked up at me happily, like he was saying thanks. 
"Have you picked your partner?" Professor came up next to me. 
"I think so, as long as he's okay with it." I looked at the little cyndaquill that was now rubbing my leg. Then he sneezed fire, the ember got onto my pant leg and it lit on fire. "Ack!" 
The cydnaquill noticed this and bit my pant leg, putting out the fire before I could do it myself. "Thanks. Do you want to go with me to visit my brother?"
He looked up at me and cocked his head to the side confused, he knew I was talking to him, but wasn't sure what I wanted. I stood up and started walking away, I stopped and looked back at him. He chirped and waddled after me happily. 
"Are you going to name him?" 
I walked away from him again, "Sid?" I called. The cyndaquill waddled faster and seemed to understand. 
"I think you're all set for your journey. Go pack your things. We'll keep an eye on your house. And don't forget to let me know how you're doing, my number is already in your pokegear." 
"Thanks Professor! I'll see you when we get back." I picked up Sid and hurried back home to get ready.

As I was stuffing my clothes into a bag my pokegear rang, Sid ran towards it gently picking it up with his mouth and running back to me. I wiped the drool off it before answering. 
"Hey. I heard from Spruce that you were visiting. Also, guess what! It's official, I'm the finally the gym leader here!" Niichan's voice came in loud and clear on the pokegear.

"Wait. Then what have you been doing all this time?"

"Uh....Well, I sort of just took over... but now it's official!"

"That's great Niichan!"

"Ok. See you when you get here. Bye."

I put the pokegear in my pocket and pulled my bag over my shoulder. "Ready?" I asked Sid. He chirped happily and lead the way to the front door.

The walk to Settomu was usually an hour long, but with Sid we didn't need to avoid the tall grass so it was a lot shorter. There were a few pidgeys that tried attacking Sid, but he did fine. Once he dodged their attacks he was able to tackle them a soon as they hit the ground. He only got hit the first couple of times before figuring out that strategy. We walked out of the tall grass and Sid started to slow down. He wasn't particularly fast since he was so little, but he was definitely slower. 
I stopped and gave him a once over, a few bruises from the pidgeys but when I tried looking at his back foot he pulled away from me. "Don't hide it. If I can help then you will feel better. How about you rest in the pokeball for the rest of the way? I'll take you straight to the pokecenter." 
Sid curled up next to me and started to snore. I took his pokeball out of my pocket and sent him back. 
Settomu was a lot larger than Stalford Town it connected two towns and two cities. I usually come here to run small errands for the Professor and the Assistants. I know the shop owners in town really well and a few of their kids, there's also a really good pasta place in town. The cook, Devin, is really cool. My stomach growled just then. I made a note to remember to remind Devin of that favor he owed me, free pasta for helping him one busy afternoon. I started to jog towards town, my stomach leading me. The sign had just come into view when I heard crying. 
I looked around and saw one of the kids from town. "Jake?" I called. He looked up at me and ran over. 
"Kelsy! Help! Some guy stole my backpack! And Pidgey is hurt!" He held up his fainted Pidgey in his arms. 
"Where'd he go?" 
Jake pointed towards the trees. "I think he's trying to go around town, but it gets too thick. He'll get lost. He's long gone." 
"I'll go get him. Take Pidgey to the pokecenter and here." I handed him Sid's pokeball. "Sid needs healing too." As stupid as it was I ran into the trees after the mystery kid.

Chapter 2

After about 5 minutes I heard footsteps, I had caught up to him. The kid had on a bright orange and yellow baseball cap and some equally bright clothing to match. Jake's small brown backpack didn't really fit the guy well. "Could you stick out like a sore thumb any more?" I asked under my breath. 
The kid turned around quickly. "What?"
"Hey. You're about my age." 
"Yeah. So?"
"Why the heck would you steal from a little kid?" 
The guy's eyes grew with surprise, then he started to glare. "What do you want?" 
"I want you to give Jake back his bag." 
The guy reached for a pokeball. 
"We aren't going to fight. My pokemon's at the pokecenter." 
The guy laughed. "What kind of trainer are you?" 
"A new one. Give me a break, I'm learning Sid's limits. Now just give me Jake's bag and I'll give it to him myself." 
"Why should I give you the bag?" 
"Because it's the right thing to do. Unless you're a jerk." I stated angrily. 
He laughed harder. He thought I was a joke. Why wouldn't he? I ran after him like an idiot with no pokemon and I'm expecting him to give the bag back just because I asked?
Chirp. Chirp. Something just crawled up my back. Two large wide green eyes stared into mine from my shoulder. "Treecko?" Chirp. 
"Look's like you've got a pokemon." The Jerk reached for his pokeball and released a totodile. Treecko jumped from my shoulder to the totodile's level. 
"But Treecko isn't my pokemon." 
"It's okay. I'm right here." Charlick had just appeared from the trees behind me. 
"You left without potions. I brought you some, and something else." He handed me a box and walked towards the Jerk and his totodile. "What's going on? Where's Sid?"
"He stole a kid's backpack. I asked the kid to take Sid to the pokecenter with his Pidgey."
Charlick stared, giving me a look to let me know he thought I was stupid. 
Charlick turned to his Treecko and the slightly annoyed Jerk Team in front of him. He winked and Treecko sprang into action, jumping onto a near by tree and climbing up as fast as he could. 
The jerk smirked and told his totodile to use Water Gun as soon as the treecko came into view. Totodile sat there waiting for Treecko's attack, it was as confident as the jerk was about winning. 
Treecko jumped down from a branch over Totodile, it streamlined for his head. 
"Get ready!" The jerk warned. 
Totodile stepped to the side moving from Treecko's range. Treecko just kept it's cool and shot a few leaves at Totodile like cards. None of them missed, two drew blood. Totodile snarled in anger and pain. Treecko landed on all fours and ran towards Totodile while it was distracted by it's pain. He jumped on it's face and pulled him towards the ground. Totodile's snout hit the ground first, there was a loud cry of pain before it got up and knocked Treecko off. Treecko simply shouldered Totodile in the stomach and pushed until Totodile hit a tree trunk. 
"What the hell?!" The jerk gasped in disbelief. 
Totodile slumped against the tree and breathed heavily. Treecko looked back at Charlick waiting for his signal. Charlick nodded and Treecko slammed his tail into Totodile knocking it unconscious.

The three of us walked to the pokecenter in silence. The jerk was upset and Charlick gave him his space. I opened up the box Charlick gave me. Inside were 6 spray bottles of potion and 5 regular pokeballs. "Pokeballs? I'm only going to Sylam City and back." 
"Just in case."
We walked into the pokecenter, the jerk went straight to the front desk and handed the nurse his pokeball. A loud squeak came from my left and Sid came waddling up to me as fast as he could. "Hey! You got it!" Jake came running over with his pidgey. I handed him his backpack, picked up Sid and walked over to the vending machine. 
"I have to get back to the lab. Good luck. Don't get into trouble like that again or I'll tell your brother." Charlick told me before leaving, Treecko chirped goodbye as they left the pokecenter. 
Sid started pulling on my pant leg. I looked down at him confused, he sat on my foot and opened and closed his mouth several times, indicating that he was hungry. I quickly remembered the vending machine and punched in the number for the pokefood. When the pokefood popped out he grabbed it before me and tore the bag open all by himself. And he almost grabbed my cereal bar when it came out a couple of seconds later.
"We should get some pasta." I told him. 
"Hey. You got pokeballs." Jake pointed at the box I was still holding. 
"Yeah, Charlick just gave them to me." 
"Do you know how to use them?"
"Come on I'll show you." He pulled on my hand and dragged me towards the door. 
I guess we'll eat later.  We walked back to the edge of town Jake dragged me into the grass and told his pidgey to make a lot a noise. "Some pokemon are attracted to noise from similar pokemon. Other's don't really like to be disturbed and you've got to sneak up on them." 
"Jake, I don't really want to catch pokemon like that."
"But. Okay." Jake looked disappointed. "I just wanted to see you catch a pokemon." 
"It's fine. I'm happy with Sid." I smiled and Sid pulled on my pant leg. "What's up?" 
Sid took off running. Well waddling, but fast waddling. He lead us through the grass. There were a bunch or pidgeys pecking at another Pidgey. The poor Pidgey on the ground looked really hurt. There were feathers on the ground, it was bleeding, and it's wing looked bent the wrong way. Sid ran towards the other Pidgeys driving them away from the wounded one. Jake and I followed him. 
"What should we do?" Jake asked me. 
"We have to get it to the pokecenter, but I'm afraid to move it." 
"Then how do we get it there?" 
"I've got an idea." I took out one of my new pokeballs and pointed it at the Pidgey. "I can let him go free afterwards."

"Hello, welcome to the Pokecenter. How may I help you?" the nurse asked.
"We found a wounded Pidgey. It's in this pokeball." 
"Oh. Okay. I'll get it help right away. Could you fill out this paperwork while you wait?" The nurse handed me a clip board and took the pokeball away.
Jake left after a few minutes, he had curfew. I got more vending machine food for Sid and me. After a while my pokegear started to ring. 
"What did you do?" It was Niichan.
"Oh. Um. What?"
"I heard from Charlick that he had to come rescue you today." 
"Ugh. He told you."
"Yes he did. When you get here you're going to get a nice long lecture about common FUCKING sense. Got it!?"
"Got it?"
"It wasn't that bad."
"So you didn't injure your pokemon so bad that it had to go to the pokemon center, run into the forest by yourself where you could've gotten lost, and you didn't get in a fight with a..."
"Oh. Hang on." There was a sound of the pokegear getting set down. "Hey! You! Stop that! You stop that right now! Get- Get back in the pool! ... Shoopadah I said get back in the pool. Get-AHHHH!"
"Lost connection."

"Hello?" The nurse was standing right next to me. "That Pidgey you just found, he's fine. But I don't think he should go back into the wild with those other pidgeys."
"Then what do you suggest?" 
"Well," She sat down next to me, handing me the pokeball. "well there's a pokemon haven in the next town. You could take it there, or, you could train him yourself or have another trainer take care of him, but I suggest that you take him to the haven. I'll write down the names of the owners you can call them when you get to Riverwood City." She scribbled down a name and number and handed me the paper. "Good luck. Thank you for bringing that Pidgey here." 
"Thank you for treating him."
"It's not problem at all." She got up and walked back to the desk. 
I let the Pidgey out of it's pokeball. "Wanna sleep with us? I'm not sure if we're more or less comfortable than your pokeball, but I thought I'd ask."
The Pidgey stared and hopped closer to my foot, keeping it's eyes on mine. I leaned my head back and let myself fall asleep.

The next morning, I found myself spread across several seats with a blanket over me, one of the nurses probably gave it to me during the night. Sid was curled up against my stomach and the Pidgey was leaning against Sid. It took a bit of flexibility to get up without disturbing them, flexibility I didn't have because I still ended up knocking the two awake. 
"Sorry." Sid yawned and Pidgey swayed. "Um, how about some breakfast? We never did get that pasta from Devin." 
The two of them followed behind me as we walked into PokePasta. "Hey Dev!" 
"Hey. What's up?"
"I think you owe me some free pasta."
"Yes I do. I'll go get you a bowl." He walked into the kitchen and came back with a large bowl of plain spaghetti. "Oh. When'd you get pokemon?"
"Yesterday. I'm going to visit my brother in Sylam City so the Professor gave me Sid. And we found this Pidgey getting bullied in the tall grass. We're taking him to the next town."
Dev got out two smaller bowls for Sid and Pidgey and gave them a different type of spaghetti just for pokemon. "Thanks Devin."
"No problem." He went back into the kitchen to start some more batches of pasta.
Sid and Pidgey happily ate their spaghetti. Pidgey, to my surprise, finished before Sid did. Sid saw this and pushed some of his spaghetti into Pidgey's bowl. He probably didn't eat much in the forest with those other Pidgeys bulling him.
I started mulling over possible names for Pidgey so that I wasn't just calling him Pidgey. "PJ..." I said out loud. Pidgey and Sid gave me confused looks. I looked at Pidgey. "What do you think of being called PJ?"
Pidgey replied with a quiet 'peep' and hopped towards my bowl, picking out a noodle for himself.
"Hey. That's my food." I pulled the bowl towards me and Pidgey hopped closer again. I started eating quickly, my eyes never left his. I hope he's happy in the next town.

-- (written Days 3, 4, and 5) [yes that's really slow I wrote something else yesterday, but i don't want to share it yet, it needs work]
Chapter 3

We walked through town to the Riverwood City path where we ran into caterpies, rattatas, and bellsprouts. Sid took care of them, but eventually became a bit tired. We stopped so that I could give him some food and water when a spearow hopped out of the grass. It saw us and chirped angrily. I threw some pokechow at it in an attempt to get it to leave us alone. It ignored the food and started running at us, flapping it's wings and squawking. 
Peep! Pidgey hopped in front of Sid and me. Peep! The spearow continued it's angered charge heading straight towards Pidgey. It crashed into Pidgey's chest knocking them both over. 
I reached towards the fallen Pidgey but the spearow jumped at me, bitting and clawing, squawking at me to get out of it's territory. PJ got up and tackled the spearow knocking it out of the air. PJ landed on top of the spearow and suddenly became violent. PJ angrily pecked at the spearow and the spearow desperately tried to get away by clawing at PJ's stomach in an attempt to move away. After a minute of their squabbling the spearow fainted. PJ peeped, laid down, and fell asleep. Sid and I stared in disbelief. 
I sprayed both Sid and PJ's wounds which healed very quickly. I stared at my scratched up arm and lifted the bottle to the scratches. 
"Wait! The potion only works for pokemon! If you use it on yourself you'll just end up with a rash." 
I turned around, a magnemite was floating in front of me behind it was a boy, he looked like he was 14 or 15. 
After I put the bottle down the boy and the magnemite walked past us heading in the direction we'd just come from. 
"Thanks!" I called after him but he didn't turn around, just nodded and continued towards Settomu.

Once Sid and PJ were ready to move around again we continued down the path. I decided to have us avoid the tall grass as much as we could, but even then we still came across a lot of pokemon. One of the pokemon we ran into was an eevee. It didn't attack, it just sat there looking cute. Too cute. I couldn't resist and I sat down and coaxed it over so that I could pet it. Once the eevee came over I gave it some of the pokechow I had. The eevee made a happy noise at me in thanks for the food and even shared with Sid and PJ when they came over for food too. Once they finished off the pokechow I got up, waived at the friendly eevee and continued towards the city. 
Sid and PJ walked slowly behind chirping and squeaking with the eevee that was apparently following us. The eevee followed us all the way to the city, where I assumed it would leave because of all the people, but it just walked closer. I giggled and headed straight towards the pokemart to stock up on pokechow, snacks for me, and a collapsable water dish. 
Even though I really should just pass through town I couldn't resist the urge to explore the new city. It was so huge. I walked past a bunch of specialty stores, there was a bake store, a clothing store, a shoe place, a book shop, and even a trainer shop. I walked in the trainer store to see what was different from the usual pokemart. 
The shop owner smiled and waived when I walked in and continued to write stuff down in his book. The four of us walked around. The shop had build your own hurdles, rings, and exercise balls. I didn't know there was anything else to training than just gaining fighting experience. Sid happily rubbed himself self against a box. I looked and read the box. 'fire type training. contains torches, charcoal, fire rings, and other tools to help you build your own heat setting!' 
"Woah. This is expensive." Sid seemed to sink to the ground. "I'm sorry Sid. I don't really work, so." 
"Usually professional trainers get that stuff." The store owner was standing behind me. 
"Yeah. But you could afford it if your pokemon can beat the gym leader here." He handed me a flier for the gym. The prize was a little more than the fire type training kit. 
"I'll think about it. Thanks." I put the box back despite Sid's sad protest. I got up and led my pokemon outside. PJ perched himself on my shoulder and Sid and the eevee stayed on either side of me. 
"So what do you think of taking on the gym leader Sid? If you do it then I'll get you the trainer set okay?" Sid seemed to understand and waddled quickly over to the gym.

the first stop on your pokemon journey is the Normal Type Gym.
 Leader: Duncan Miller. " 
"Ready?" Sid lets out a cute battle cry and runs into the gym. I couldn't keep from giggling, he was so cute. 
"Hello, how may I help you?" There was an young girl at the desk. 
"Oh, um. We've come to battle uh... Duncan." I handed her the flier I got. 
"Okay. Do you have at least two pokemon?" She looked at Sid, PJ and the eevee. "Oh never mind. You just have to fill this out and no one else is here today so you can go right in to the battle room." 
I quickly wrote out my trainer information and the pokemon information. I looked down at the eevee. It's been following me all day. I'm not sure if it wants to stick around for good though. Should I sign him up?
"Oh, your pokemon need to go in their pokeballs before you enter the battle room. Only fighting pokemon are allowed out." 
"Oh thanks." I took out Sid and PJ's pokeballs and sent them in. "So, did you want to join us?"
Eevee yipped and sat down next to me, like it was waiting for it's turn. 
"If that pokemon doesn't want to fight it can wait out here." She informed me. 
I took out an empty pokeball and threw it on the ground near the eevee. Eevee went in and didn't try going out. Cool. I guess I'll add your information. What to name you?
I added eevee to the list. Name: Kit. Welcome to the team Kit.
We were all set. I handed the girl the form and walked towards the battle room.

"This is how our battle room works. I am currently teaching these kids they are allowed one pokemon each. So you will start with a double battle. That's why you need two pokemon. If you beat them then we'll have a one on one battle. I have three pokemon, so be sure to pace your pokemon." Duncan stepped back and let his two students step onto the battle arena. 
"You know that if your pokemon go out of bounds then they lose right?" 
"If your pokemon wants to quit early that's all it needs to do." 
I nodded and sent out Sid and PJ. They smiled. They were both girls, they looked like siblings. The older one sent out a Tauros and the younger girl set out a Sentret. According to the rule the battle began. Tauros charged Sid and Sentret tackled PJ. PJ managed to launch himself into the air, avoiding most of Sentret's attack. The Sentret lost it's balance and tipped over it's self, but it didn't injure it's self. Sid was launched in the air in a different way. Tauros' had charged into him and knocked him out of bounds. I sent him in the pokeball before he could hit the wall. 
"One pokemon down. Send out your third pokemon in the next 10 seconds or it won't count in the battle." 
I grabbed Kit's pokeball, but hesitated. I'd never had Kit battle before and Kit probably only joined us because we didn't attack him. If I force him to fight he won't be happy right? But Kit can just run out of bounds if he doesn't want to fight. I released Kit in the battle. He yipped happily and ran around in a circle. Tauros started to charge. 
"Kit! Dodge!" Kit looked at me curiously and skipped over towards me, unintentionally dodging Tauros' attack. PJ tackled Tauros from behind, stabbing the back of it's head with his beak and clawing at his back. Sentret tackled Kit from the side knocking him over. Kit got up quickly and yipped playfully at Sentret. Oh no... Kit started playing with Sentret. Playfully nipping at Sentret and bouncing from side to side. Sentret tackled Kit again. Kit yelped as his paw slipped underneath his body in a way it shouldn't have. Kit stood up and ran away from Sentret. They were running around Tauros' feet, who was still preoccupied with PJ's attack. 
PJ had found a pretty safe spot behind Tauros' head and was really tiring the poor Tauros out. Tauros started to thrash and move about hoping to hit PJ somehow. Sentret cried when one of Tauros' hooves came down too close to it's paw. It startled the poor Sentret so much it ran out of bounds towards it's trainer. 
"Tina you're done." 
The girl, Tina held her Sentret close and checked it's paw to see if it had really been hit. She then checked all over her Sentret and sprayed it's wounds with a potion. 
"Tauros! Go for the eevee!" Tina's older sister ordered her tauros. 
Tauros stopped thrashing and ran towards Kit. Who had managed to amuse himself with a shadow on the ground. 
"Kit! Move!" I called. Resisting the urge to run out and grab him. "PJ! Protect Kit!"
PJ flew high into the air, turned and flew down aiming for Tauros. Tauros was too fast and PJ missed, he managed not to plummet into the ground, but in doing so ended up flying out of bounds. 
"The Pidgey's out. Just two pokemon left." 
I returned PJ to the pokeball and grabbed Kit's getting ready to take him out and call the match. Kit ran under Tauros just before Tauros put it's head down to hit Kit. Tauros continued forward and wasn't able to stop until after it crossed the line. Wait. What?
"Tauros out of bounds. Eevee wins the battle."
After getting over the shock of that insane win I ran over to Kit to pet and hug him. "Good job!"
"Duncan does that even count as a win?" The girl sighed and asked her teacher. 
"According to the rule, yes." 
"I'm sorry. I know that wasn't really a fight. Sid was the one that wanted to battle, but he got knocked out in the first couple of seconds."
"Well, we can test Sid's skills with my pokemon. You can rest your pokemon before we begin."

--- (this isn't all of chapter 4 I need to introduce kero will update later...)

Chapter 4

Sid stared down Duncan's Zangoose, I could hear Sid wheeze, he'd managed to take out Duncan's Mebukijuka without a problem, but the Girafarig had taken a lot out of him mentally and physically. The Girafarig had gotten burned quickly by Sid's ember, but it had managed to confuse Sid right after, making Sid injure himself for most of the battle while Girafairg tackled Sid from the side. Luckily when the Girafarig tackled Sid, he sneezed, the fire from Sid's back erupted in Girafarig's face causing it to faint instantly. 
Zangoose was the last pokemon, but I wasn't sure about letting Sid stay in battle. If I take him out that's it, PJ only fights to defend us and Kit... I don't even understand how... I can't put Kit back in. I sighed. He's still willing to fight... I'll just be ready to take him out as soon as he needs it.
Once Girafarig was out of the battle Sid seemed to have snapped out of his confusion since that weird look on his face disappeared. And he was focusing on Zangoose in front of him. Zangoose dashed forward, Sid jumped to the side, Zangoose clawed Sid's side as it passed by. Sid cried out in pain, but was still standing. He scurried to the boundary line, I held up his pokeball and was about to throw it at him when Zangoose dashed at him again, Sid stepped aside, let Zangoose claw him again and let Zangoose step out of bounds. 
"What? Zangoose! We trained for that!" Duncan was shocked. Zangoose dropped his head in apology and let out a quiet whine. "It's okay! We just need to train harder! You can practice with the girl's pokemon since they need it too." Zangoose lifted his head up and jumped excitedly at Duncan. He gave Zangoose a treat and fished a badge out of his pocket. "You were pretty lucky today, but that's the only reason you got through. A battles need a bit of luck, so it's not too terrible, but you need to train your pokemon before heading to the next gym. Sid is good, but that's all thanks to him, not you. A trainer and their pokemon need to work together, your job is to encourage him to improve. He can only go so far without your help. Please think about that before going to the next gym."
"Thank you." I nodded and took the badge and money. 
"Oh, you will also need to train at least your pidgey or eevee to be up to the same level as Sid to even try the next gym." He said before leaving the battle room.
I picked up Sid carefully avoiding his wounds and walked to the pokecenter. While I waited for him to heal I pinned the badge on my jacket and smiled. Sid seemed to really enjoy the battle and now thanks to the promise I made him we're going to buy that fire type trainer set he wanted. Is it portable? Because if not then he's going to have to wait until we get back home...
Sid let out a tiny roar of happiness as he waddled as fast as he could towards me. He put his front paws on my leg and made cute squeaks of impatientness. I giggled and released PJ and Kit so we could all walk to the store together. 
The four of us loitered outside the store with the new training set. They chased each other around playing a loose version of tag, while I tried to figure out the instructions. The guy said that I could move it around, but I'd need a bigger backpack. I reluctantly bought a second backpack from him and now I was trying to figure out how to store everything. The set included a lighter, matches, flint, all sorts of candles and things for starting fires. I needed to make sure everything was put away safely in my new pack. 
As soon as I packed away the set and was starting to move the stuff from my old bag to my new one my pokegear rang. Niichan's name flashed across the screen and I hit the talk button. 
"Hey! Shouldn't you be here soon? Where do you want to meet up?" 
"Oh! I don't know. I ended up staying a couple extra hours in Riverwood. We took a detour at the gym."
"Duncan's gym? How'd you do?" 
"Yeah. We did terrible. I was terrified the whole time. And afterwards Duncan lectured me about how I should actually train my pokemon before going to the gym." 
"Ah. So you lost."
"No. We won." 
"You won?! You just said you did terrible." 
"Yeah. It was all luck and Sid." I grabbed Sid and nuzzled my head against his. "Right Sid! Oh yeah! Did I tell you about PJ and Kit yet?"
"Who? How the heck did you win? And I didn't think you were interested in training pokemon." 
"I wasn't. I'm not. Sid wanted to. He saw this expensive fire training kit at a store here and I told him if he beat Duncan then I'd use the money from that to buy it for him. He's pretty happy with himself."
"Cool. Hey! Why don't you try the next gym?"
"The next gym? I told you we did terrible. And don't you want your stuff from the professor?"
"That can wait, take the long way here. I'm the third gym on the map. So if you beat Ridley you can battle me." 
"I'm not really interested in battling you." 
"What!? Why!?"
"Uh. I've got to go! I'll think about it!" 
"Liar! Just take the long way here. Let me know what you decide." 
"Bye Niichan!" I hung up the phone and yawned. "We should get moving guys. If we're going to take the long way I don't really want to spend the night here and waste time. Lets go as far as we can and camp outside tonight." 
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