Title: Sharing a Locker
Summary: David Archuleta is worried about sharing a locker with an upperclassmen his first day of freshmen year.
So, im kind of new to this writing thing Lol. But I got this off of Clover71’s bingo card, Which is the hs_bingo card (
http://community.livejournal.com/hs_bingo/profile). Hope you don’t mind sharing If you do I’ll totally delete this.
Anyway onto the story….
Sharing a Locker
David’s school did this embarrassing thing where they force freshmen to share a locker with higher classmates in hope of, school bonding? (Or something likes that). All David knows is he dreads it. David has a hard enough time fitting in okay? He’s too awkward, and speaks randomly and does this little arm flair thing? Anyways, hiding in the crowd and be as less noticeable as possible is his thing. what if he gets paired with a jock! Who will like beat him up or something!?! Or what If he gets paired up with a really cute guy and all David does is flair and be awkward?!? David just came to terms with his… Sexuality okay, (I mean of course no one knows yet, how embarrassing!) but this could be a major disaster!
Taking a few deep breaths and clutching the paper that has his locker number and combo David slowly made his way down the packed halls of Murray High looking for locker 607. 605,606… David’s breath caught and he kind of just froze on the spot. There was someone already at the locker. He was tall and and really cute.
“Oh my Gosh” Archie thought, already knowing he was probably going to embarrass himself. That was David cook! Everyone, even in middle school knew him. He was way popular, the star base ball player, the valid Victorian, the star in all the school plays AND dating the most popular girl in school (Kimberly Locks). Archie was just about to turn around and make a run for it, (deciding he would keep all his books in his book bag and like stash it in the choir room or something) when David Cook turned around, his eyes and gorgeous smile( David couldn’t help but think) on David.
“Hey, you must be my locker buddy, Im David Cook, and you are?” Cook held out his hand, but Archie was too caught around the words Locker buddy. (“Gosh Cook already thinks he’s just a child, nothing compared to him, I mean Im small for my age, but...”) Archie was brought out of his rant (inside his head) by David Cook’s laughter, (a loud, booming, happy sound) and Archie instantly blushed.
“D David, David Archuleta” David rushed out, his voice squeaking out in a low whisper (nothing like he was hoping his voice would sound like. (Strong and sure)). Cook continued to laugh and Archie continued to blush.
“Great he’s laughing at me, what a great first impression!” Archie thought miserably. But Cook just smiled, raping his hand around David’s neck, and lead him down the hall to their first classes.
“David, I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship”