Hey again, and welcome to the second part of this humungous chapter! Where we left off, Addison and Ian chilled out in Bridgeport for a while, and then decided to go to China to deal with shit there. Addi raided the Dragon's Maw tomb and came toe-to-toe with a mummy (oh shit!) who beat her ass. She won the war, though, because she locked some Chinese evil spirit in the tomb forever.
Anyway, some boring chains of events happened and then she discovered a tomb under the heart of Shang Simla and that went nowhere, because she didn't have the key to a door. And that's what you missed on Glee The Adventures of Addison Barros, Celebrity Relic Hunter.
Moving right along...
Another opportunity trail that ended up leading to another tomb - this time under the Terracotta Army. I'd tried to get under there in an earlier chapter, but my plans were thwarted by a locked door.
Anyway, exploring spam!
LOL JKs, all she had to do was enter the tomb and open the door for that portion of the opportunity to be complete - and then she had to go report back in.
Addi: "Uh, excuse me mister? Can you stop engaging the mailbox in a tribal dance and talk to me?"
Anyway, after getting a monk to bless her key, Addi went into the tomb again. Now enjoy some REAL exploring spam:
I looked away from the computer for one damn second, and then when I look back again Addi's walked into a dart trap and was covered in a half a dozen. She then passed out.
This became a frequent occurrence.
You wouldn't think it would be that hard to walk on only the green floor tiles, but noooo...Addi has to walk over every. single. one of the dart traps!
Anyway, back to the exploring spam!
The overly large mummy engaged Addi in another fight, and I prepared myself for another 20 sim minutes of Addi being passed out on the ground.
This time...
She kicked his dusty ass into next week!
And then got covered in darts again. Lols ensued.
Back to the spam:
This room was just batshit insane to navigate.
She found the family's spear, finally, after a very exhaustive maze of a tomb.
Oh, and completed the aforementioned tomb. Fuckin' A.
I've been waiting for this opportunity for so damn long! If you didn't remember, she needs to be able to smash boulders in order to access so many things in all of the tombs - French, Chinese, and undoubtedly Egyptian.
Unfortunately, there were a few minor setbacks - namely convincing three people that smashing boulders was a good idea. I don't get the point of this challenge, but whatevs.
Anyway, the third person Addi talked to was this guy named Zhan Su who I think is rather adorbs. She spent all her time flirting with him, and then consequently forgot to convince him that smashing boulders was a good idea.
She came back the next day and, as you can see, convinced him because she was able to report in.
I kept her at the house a little longer, though, to ~get acquainted with Zhan. Addi has this handy little bonus from earning fulfilled-wants points - she can never be rejected romantically. So, regardless of the fact that she might barely know her conquest, he will always say yes to whatever she wants to do.
This could be fun. But right now I'm using it for good instead of evil - I think Zhan Su is the cutest, and I want to see where that could go. Since obviously things with Kai didn't work out.
Anyway, back to the challenge at hand. After convincing three people, Addi had to go through Biyu who gave her the go-ahead to go find the axe in the Temple of Heaven.
Remember this place? Addi's going through the under-developed left side this time.
Anyway, exploring spam!
(The entrance to this section of the tomb was seriously one big fucking trail - it was like the yellow brick road, except red and not brick.)
Oh yeah, and this was what the entire wing looked like. It doesn't look like much, but after following the winding trail she had to go up and down these sets of stairs until she could get the axe, and then she had to smash all the boulders on her way back, to get out. But back to the exploring spam (I love that stuff so much - it's like tens of thousands of photos I don't have to worry about captioning).
Okay, ew. This water looks brown to me.
Definitely questionable.
Best photo you will ever see in your life. :D
But Addi's a beast, and disarmed them all.
Lol so much drama to crush a boulder.
And I just thought this picture was hilair.
Anyway, WOOOOO!~ She completed the other half of the Temple of Heaven (and by extension, I think, the temple itself).
And while this was happening, Ian maxed out his fishing skill. This kid's a boy wonder! =D
Anyway, as per the lady's instructions, Addi had to go to Hot Springs to clear the boulder and find the relic. She cleared the boulder and got down into the tombs, but...
...her vacation ended conveniently before she could get the relic. Damn it all.
Anyway, that seemed like a perfect place to end this chapter so, until next time, peace!
- Kelsey