Hey everyone, and welcome back! Where we left off, there were lots of promotions and such. Seraphina became an elder, Ian an adult, and Kamal a (HOT) young adult. Kamal fell in love with Diana Jones, a married vampire, and convinced her to divorce her husband and be his girlfriend instead. Yay for everyone except the ex-husband!
Ian fell in love with Deidre Littler while still married to Seraphina, so he was sneaking around for a little while. Conveniently, Seraphina died in a pool. No more boobzilla! (I'm sorry, that's mean, and I know I disliked her unjustly.)
Morgan became a teenager, and a hot one at that! He got his dad's good looks. ;) That doesn't change the fact that he's still insane, though...
Kamal got engaged to Diana, married her, and had her move in, all in the span of 3 sim hours, and they procreated. Ian and Deidre did the same, minus the procreation, because there was no room in the house. Addison died, and then there was.
Crycrycry, my founder's dead.
So before we actually get started, I just thought I'd announce some changes.
Firstly, I've started cropping pictures that are just about promotions and stuff, because it just looks better. Next chapter, I'm going to be looking for ways to reduce the size of my photos without actually having to manually do it. Is there any image-uploading site that allows me to post moderate-sized clickable thumbnails? (I tried PB, but their thumbnails are actually ridiculously tiny.)
Lastly, next chapter will mark a change in the name of the challenge. It's too long and I can't be assed to write it out anymore, especially since Gen.3 is looking to be bigger than Gen.2, and I can't possibly write that into the title header. So from the next chapter forward, this challenge will be known as "The Adventures of The Barros Family: A Quasi TS3 Legacy."
Anyway, let's get started!
What a lovely way to start the chapter! Youssef was out styling people, and ended up getting promoted and finishing his LTW!
If I never have to style another sim, it'll be too soon. Seriously, this career path was like the death of me!
Also, I just thought this moodlet was totally hilair. It came when he maxed his LTW, and shows no signs of going away.
Yayayayayayay baby!
Also, herp-de-derp!
Anyway, let's give a warm welcome to the first heiress of this legacy, little Kahli Barros! I'm so glad we finally have a girl!
Anyway, because of an exemplary pregnancy I was able to choose Kahli's traits, so I went for excitable and artistic. :]
Oh, and did I mention that she's a VAMPIRE BABY?
Bahahahah yessssss!
Meanwhile, I was taking a peek at Morgan's family tree, and may I just say...trololololol
No wonder he's insane...
Deidre's showing!
(And when I say 'showing' I really mean 'wearing the maternity nightie, so it's implied, but no baby bump has been detected.)
And while we're here with Deidre, here are her stats!
Leader of the Free World? Well, I'll see what I can do.
Also, I'd like to note that she's approximately 5 days away from becoming elder. I LOVE LIFE. How does Ian always end up marrying the women who are about to become geriatric?!?
Oh well; in this case, they were around the same age, so I just gave up caring. At least they could have a child before they both became elders.
Oh Youssef, you so cute!
Ooooh, promotion for Kamal! (And isn't this format so much better? :D)
Inspired by my current series, I named their new baby boy Gabe. He got the traits perceptive and friendly.
All the babies start to have similar traits after a while, but it's purely because they don't give you a whole lot to choose from right away.
Anyway, here's little Gabe! He's so cute (and so pale)!
Parenting 101: why use a crib when there's a perfectly good patch of grass in your front yard?
Speaking of Deidre, since she was all finished with birthing a child, I gave her the job in politics she always wanted!
Meanwhile, Youssef got the biggest honour for someone in his profession, I do believe.
Okay, so I changed Diana's traits. I know it's probably bad to completely change the personality of sims that marry into your family, and I've started thinking that I'm going to try my hardest not to do that anymore, and to just accept them for who they are.
But the problem with Diana was that she didn't like children, and every time she was around her own daughter she got a negative moodlet. So what kind of person would I be if I didn't remedy this situation? And while I was doing that, I just happened to alter a few of her other traits. So now she's easily impressed, neat (both are the same from her previous personality), a hopeless romantic, a workaholic (believe me, it comes in handy for promotions, which I found out from having Deidre in the family), and family-oriented (maybe it's a stretch, but at least she loves being around Kahli now).
Remember how I just said that having Deidre in the family taught me the value of workaholics? Well, I'll explain. The only reason she got this promotion on her FIRST DAY OF WORK was because, as a workaholic, she has the option to "work at home." So she built up her work-bar at home, and then filled the remaining like 25% at work, and got a promotion.
So that's why she and Diana are now my new favourite sims - they get promoted SO DAMN FAST! :D Their LTWs have never looked easier to achieve!
Birthday time for Kahli! :D
As I mentioned before, she is a vampire baby and therefore gets her mom's complexion and gold eyes (which look good on her). But what was a really pleasant surprise was her RED HAIR! Awwww. Addi's genes are getting passed down!
Anyway, isn't she just adorable? I mean, she got the best mix possible of Kamal and Diana! :D
And since both of Kahli's parents are such workaholics, I had grandpa Youssef step in and take care of toddler training his only grandchild. (Well, Gabe and Morgan sort of count, but the game doesn't consider them related to him. However, they're all good friends.)
Just thought I'd throw in a picture of Kamal and Diana being the cutest couple ever! They're my favourite!
Get it, gurls!
Oh, it's time for Youssef's birthday! Enjoy some growing-up spam:
It's at times like these when I really realize how awesome the graphics are on this game!
Anyway, here he is as an elder.
Quite different looking; I was honestly really surprised with the turnout!
Oh, and it's also Deidre's elderfication! So here we go...
I didn't take any pictures of her when I was making her over, but she's quite a dignified looking old lady. :)
And speaking of retirement, Youssef's really been enjoying his! He plays with the kids, he reconnects with his family, and, more than ever, plays video games in the living room!
(PS: still looking stylish, even as an elder! ;D)
And speaking of the kids, it's Gabe's birthday! Let's zoom in and take a peek at how he aged up!
Okay, big awww! Perfect mix of Dee and Ian!
Anyway, Ian jumped right back into his role as a new father, and started teaching Gabe his skills. Cute!
Gah! So adorable! When I snapped the above picture, I noticed Gabe's face, and had to get a closer look.
New favourite child! He and Kahli are just the cutest!
/Friends reference.
Yaaaaay, Diana! :D
LOLOLOL Seraphina, wtf?!
She literally just came into the kitchen, whipped a laptop out of her back pocket, and sat down in front of Morgan to start typing up a novel or something. Bahahaha, I love TS3! You see something new every day!
Look at y'all go! I'm loving all these promotions!
It's Morgan's birthday! And don't let that face fool you, he's really excited about it!
...Seriously. Super excited.
Anyway, I got to pick his trait so, because I'm obviously as insane as he is, I went with commitment issues, just for a change of pace! Let's see how this plays out. ;)
And here's his makeover, because he grew up in the weirdest garb (comes with insanity, I do believe).
Uh...swoon! :D
Anyway, I got him into the science career path right away, as a test subject.
Remember how, before meeting Diana, I had pegged Kamal as a cassanova? I think I labelled him all wrong, because he's so clearly a family man. He's so devoted to Di, and he just loves Kahli with all his heart. Like, look at this! Are they not the picture of cuteness?
Oh my god, FINALLY on both counts! I've been waiting all chapter for Kamal and Ian to finally get promotions!
Kamal has this thing about not going to work on time, where he just gets so swept up in whatever he's doing and leaves for work 2 hours later (which makes him 4 hours late, since it takes FOREVER to cross Bridgeport), and consequently it takes him for-freaking-ever to get his job bar filled. With Ian, it's just a case of earning a certain amount of money to warrant a promotion. And because he writes romance novels, it takes him exponentially longer than most to make the money (though he makes it in heaps). So he can go like two or three sim weeks without a promotion!
Say all you want about his insanity and his commitment issues, Morgan is a wonderful big brother and cousin. He gets so involved with Gabe and Kahli, and actually rolls up wants to talk to them or tickle them, and just generally take care of them. So sweet!
Speaking of Gabe and Kahli, have the obligatory AWW CUTE photo.
So I decided to get Morgan involved with real-estate a little more, a hobby that I've sort of dropped since the very beginning of this challenge (when Addison abruptly bought like 5 places at once because she was ~new money). I think it might be fun. Anyway, he purchased the Science Centre where he works (ironic, that a test subject owns the entire franchise), and the theatre where, if I'm not mistaken, Kamal works.
Quadruple birthday! Up for aging today are Ian, Kamal, Kahli, and Diana (I had to force-age her because she was 76 days away from her young adult-to-adult birthday, and Kamal was one day away...I'm going to keep them aging at the exact same pace so that they die together and Di isn't kicking around for 100 years).
Yeeeeeah, pointless birthdays!
Oh Ian, you such a stunner!
Haha just kidding, he looks much better than that. The previous photo was just his obligatory birthday derp face.
But how weird is this, to see Addi's first child become an elder?!?!
Anyway, Kahli was the last to age because it took me forever to get her to the cake, and when she grew up her "modest development" dictated that she be given the trait of virtuoso without my consent.
Firstly, I don't know how "modest development" translates to "make her a musical genius." When I think "modest development" I associate it with slightly less awesome traits. But whatever, that's just me.
Secondly, woo! The game managed to follow my plans for Kahli without me having to change her traits later in the game! (I want her to be ~artistic.)
Anyway, here's my little vampire girl: gorgeous, ofc! I just hate her outfit and hair (being a female child is the worst stage for outfits and hairdos in TS3 if you have no CC, which I do not).
Also, note the black mark on her neck (that's the vampirism mark).
Wooooo, go Deidre!
Anyway, this is where I'll leave you for now!
Until next time, peace out!
- Kelsey