The Bates Family Legacy [2.12]

Aug 28, 2011 19:30

Hey, and welcome back! Where we left off, there were major technical difficulties due to the stupidness of LJ's new cut-system. So yeah, if the last entry (and this one, for that matter) looks like a mess, that'd be why. I don't even know how to deal with it. I just want to kick things.

Anyway, here we go!


Stiles! How nice of you to show full formal wear. You didn't need to!
(Seriously, you really didn't.)

Ahahaha Michael Bachelor has the silliest face. No doubt about it.

And someone was in such a hurry that they ran over a couple of people to get here in time!

Ellie missed the party? Beg to fucking differ!

Now this would be why I'm a little hesitant for Ellie to sneak into people's houses as an investigator. You never really know what you'll find - like, say, Michael Bachelor and his dad sleeping in the same bed.

YEAH! 1/3 skills down!

So you know how I mentioned downloading a facial default? At the same time I downloaded the no pixel blur hack (so I didn't know which one of them was doing the damage to my game, which caused me to delete them both. The faces & the glitch remained, so I have to assume). Anyway, just thought this was cool. xD

Oh, and here's what Liang looks like with the default face.

Helloooooo, handsome!

And speaking of the default face, I thought I'd check out how Evan, Stiles, and Elizabeth survived the transfer since Ellie was headed over there anyway. Pretty well, if I do say so myself! (Except for Elizabeth; you can't even tell with her.)

Anyway, while Ellie was over there, sister-brother bonding ensued.

Ellie: "Wanna see me eat some dirt?"
Evan: "No, not really. D:"

Evan: O:

Evan: *vomits*

Ellie: "Classic!"

Bahaha, I love the daredevil trait. Ellie can be such an idiot. xD

Yeah, Ariel, this definitely looks like a good idea...

Lmao oh my God. I love the rebellious trait!

Also, it escapes me how Ariel can be such a blatant badass and disregard the rules, yet get to the top of her job and hold an A+ in school.


These two are just too cute for words! <3


Anyway, I'll see you at the next update! Pray for me that this one's formatted correctly and there are no cut-text issues! :\

- Kelsey

ariel bates, ts3 generations, a hagnes baby!, ts3, elizabeth bates, ellie bates, ariel is such a bamf, the bates family legacy, liang yat sen, evan bates, stiles mcgraw

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