
Jul 03, 2011 23:20

Don't know why I've been so quiet lately. Gets to be a habit, I suppose, and winter was long, and the last two years contained much worth forgetting.

More bitching about the recent weather
I still cannot believe we had rain all the way through June, in California. That is so far beyond not okay. I do need to follow up with my doctor about my winter patterns -- if this year proves anything it's that my complete winter shut-down seems to be directly linked to weather and sun-exposure, so if it's SAD and we can get rid of it, or if it's something else, and we can still get rid of it, well... either way, I'm good with that. As long as the end result is that the problem goes away. I am hoping that my new doctor will have ideas about it; my last doctor was otherwise amazing, but this was the one issue he couldn't really help me fix beyond a certain point, and I'm not sure I'm willing to settle for that.

Family Stuff
We're expecting our first child, Ruth Sophia, in late September. We are expecting; I am pregnant; the English language demands this level of distinction, as do I. Were my husband also pregnant, I would be a far more wealthy and well-publicized woman than I am.

Family Reunion
The family reunion in Vegas was fine. Got together with a number of people I hadn't seen in years, so that was good. I agree with the statement that next time we need to choose someplace less tourist-tempting -- of course, I couldn't care less about Vegas except as the location of this year's family reunion, so that probably affects my evaluation. Still, I was more interested in chatting with people and catching up, and significantly less interested in wandering around, singly or in groups. I'm arguing for an isolated cabin in the woods, next time. I'm also planning to play pampered princess; it's someone else's turn to work the FamilyCon. I already did my part for the next 15 years.

Other Family Stuff
Went out to Woodson Bridge today with Mom, Babysis, Babybro & Babybro's delightful girlfriend; got a bit pink around the edges, skipped some stones, the usual sort of thing. Wandered Chico for a bit, got my Burger Hut fix (mmmm, world's best jalapeno burger), saw the Yo-Yo museum... just kind of a wandery, not too focused sort of day. I note that after 15 years of neglect, my ability to skip stones does not seem to have diminished to any noticeable degree; alas, it also does not appear to have improved. Shocking, I know.

4th of July plans
Probably planning to be in Davis about 4-ish, Central Park-ishly, somewhat Pot-luck-ishly. Best way to find out plans for sure is always to call my husband... but, you know, you can try other methods of contact, as long as you're not feeling too results-oriented or anything.

Job Drama
Also, I really need to bail on my current job, but I need to stay with the State through at least August in order to complete my 10-years benefit vesting. Awkward timing, all around. I was going to wait until I was on maternity leave to do focused job searching, but no, it's definitely time to move on. Mmm, fireworks. How seasonal.

Even More Family Stuff
Babysis is re-entering the convent, and flies back to Ohio Wednesday night. As a result, I have Mon-Weds off from work.

Plan-like concepts
Tuesday is definitely an errands-and-chores day, for the most part. Need to finish reading through various official documents, update resume & cover letters for some job apps I want to submit, Drs. Appt., and I really need to work on expanding my volunteer resume so that I can start to shift over into the areas I want to be working in 10 years from now (looking like international human rights or American civil rights work, but we'll see how things play out).

Still roleplaying, semi-sporadically, as time and practicality permit. I have a couple games in mind that I'd eventually like to run on an invite-only basis, but the timeline on that is going to have to be shifted out a bit, to accommodate certain timing practicalities.

Oh, see, that was quick. How much updating can possibly be required, given that things have been so quiet and uneventful recently? No wonder I never have anything to say...
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