ok so Kaitlin came home today and i feel so much better because we talked about all of the stuff that has been going on at school and at riding(thanks to BB). and i feel so much better
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so.. i'm here in boston and it's so much fun! the girls here are so crazy and funny....alison blew the fuse in the dorm because she was blasting her music and J.L is the nicest person..so is jen..it's just really fun here i don't want to go home. well i'll update later after we get back from shopping for the whole day again. kelsie**
wohooooooooo! i Won Reserve champion!!!! wohoooooooooooo! but i was sick yesterday and i slept the whole day um i would ust like to say that Callie is the best horse on the planet....ALONG WITH POCO! (pray for Poco he's sick...lime disease...those fucking ticks!) well wohooooo again got to do make up work! wohoooo :( kelsie**
I'm so excited for the horse show tomorow!BRITTANY , YOU'RE GOING DOWN!....LOL well i went to the barn and gave Hughie a bath and helped out to get
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so tonight was the halloween dance and it was alright ..i guess..tim wasn't there and some seniors got kicked otu because they were drunk....there were some cool costumes like the fruit of the loom grape (nick jez) the banana (nick zaleski) the hot dog (mike mcanulty) and the burger king (matt regan
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