Title: Reputation
Pairing: Jasper/Alice (AH)
Rating: R
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Stephenie Meyer owns all things Twilight.
Summary: Jasper is a trouble making rock star and Alice is the publicist who saves him in more ways than one.
Author's Note: Figured I'd post links to the chapters here as well as on fanfiction.net. The story is completed and
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Comments 26
Loved it - loved how much it affected Alice and Jasper really need to open up to her - like now.
Does this mean that chapter 6 is somewhere already? Wandering off to look.
Chapter 6 isn't posted yet. I had to suddenly go out of town so I won't post until I get back later this week.
Your stories are a guilty pleasure of mine and I admit I clap and giggle when I see an update of yours at FFNet. :3 In fact, I've been checking your LJ for chapter notifications first, since it seems updates come faster here than at FFNet (not surprising, since their archiving format is crap). "Reputation" is evolving nicely and with all your stories, I genuinely like the portrayal of Alice and Jasper. Your Jaspers tend to be a little (actually, a LOT) sex-obsessed, but you can tell from the way he's written that he is generally a decent man, which despite his numerous follies in the book, is how I think the character was always intended to be (i.e. good-intentioned, but prone to making questionable and/or stupid decisions ( ... )
I too love Alice/Jasper and good fics about them are seriously lacking. You should check out luckyj525's stories and MDealsWithIt's stories. They have fantastic A/J fics. And they're amazing people.
I've added you back! Happy to do so. I feel I should warn you, however, that Reputation might be the last thing I write for awhile. I haven't written anything new in so long. Maybe I'll get the bug again in the future though :)
Thanks so much!
And don't worry. I'm not the type to bug an author for updates or new stories or that sort of thing. As an author myself, I understand the time it takes to construct a new story (or hell, a new chapter), and have had stories of mine in-progress for a good four, five years. I write when I find inspiration to do so and have found it works best if you're not forcing an idea that isn't there. So no pressure from my end. :3 For now, I'll just enjoy the stories you do post/have posted and maybe try to work on a few of my own ( ... )
I'm with you on inspiration taking a long time to strike at times. I just haven't had a good idea in a long time. I'm hoping someday I'll have ideas again but we'll see what happens. Forcing it never works, you're right.
I'm sure your journal won't bore me. I'm actually horrible about checking LJ anyway. I'm usually only on here when I'm posting things :)
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