Aug 17, 2011 21:38

colors tcg player stats links
player Kemono
joined 17 August 2011
card count 0120
level red
mastered decks
collect ► TITANIA 17/20 collect ► SALAMANDER 15/20

collect ► AYE SIR 10/20 collect ► CELESTIAL 14/20

trade decks

sketchpads Trades: 54

crayons pending trades
x6 Having unlimited supplies of
Given away: 32


signatures SIGNATURES HERE coding → replica Log:
17 August:Joined Colors!
18 August: Got Shard05, Patriot11, Pitcher05, Alone08, Genius15, Flameking06 and Titania07/19 for my starter pack.
19 August: Got Fade15, Mayonnaise03 from lucatia for beeing added to members list.
22 August:Traded alone08 for popular13 with snackoos. Won capricorn09 and eleven20 in Pokeradar 54. Got titania01/03/05/08 from Naociak. Gifted popular13 to Naociak.
5 September: Too acrophobia08 and first11 from August Release.
8 September: Traded first11 for innocent18 with moon_wolf. Traded luckystars03 for regulus06 with darkraven616. Won temper05/blank20/unchanging11 in Reading Between The Lines 33
10 Sepetember: traded acrophobia08 for salamander02 with Naociak. Took cuarta16/17, salamander04/05/15/20 from Recycled Art. Gifted cuarta16/17 to Naociak.
11 September: Traded mu19 (from September relese) for occult10 with hushlust.
14 September: Traded villager13 for salamander17 with soporil. Traded rat08 and wildflower08 for ayesir06/16 with ouji_tan and was gifted with master08.
19 September: took godknows20 and master03/04/07/11/15/16/17 from Recycled Art. Traded gdoknows for with Naociak.
29 September: traded tabris03 for master01 with love_michiyuki. Won terriory15 in Spare Parts 54.
30 September: Took Madao06, Empty01, Sign01, Shamisen02 and Ultima05 from September Release. Gave Madao06, Empty01, Sign01 and Shamisen02 to Aru. Gave Ultima05 to Raven.
6 October: Took armor15, ayesir01, fortune08/09/11, master19/20 and popular20 from Recycled Art. Got celestial10/11 from ouji_tan. Traded armor15, fortune08/09/11, and popular20 for salamander03/07/09/10/12 with Naociak.
16 October: Took fugaku17, primo10, bossun06, gorilla04, fabulous11, heartbreak05, curepassion02, archadia15, razorleaf17 from October release. Traded primo10 for strip01 with ouji_tan. Traded bossun06 and razorleaf17 for master05/10 with moon_wolfwriter. Traded gorilla04 for salamander08 with futachimaru. Traded fabulous11 for master02 with hushlust. Traded heartbreak05 for boxer02 with nonchatte. Traded curepassion02 for ayesir07 with galearc. Traded archadia15 for titania14 with Raven. Traded fugaku17 for ayesir09 with 00zags.
17 October: Took ayesir03/17/20 and celestial05/11/14/16/18 from Recycled Art.
1 November: Traded abel02/05 for titania02/04 with Naociak.
6 November: Took Meat11, Risotto14, Clear16, Fantasia16 from November Release. Traded Fantasia16 for Ayesir19 with Aru. Traded Meat11 for Master12 with Akise. Traded Boxer02 for Titania16 with Naociak.
8 November: Took council20, messiah08/15 and occult 06/12/15/17/19 from Recycled Art.
11 November: Traded clear16 for titania20 with galearc.
12 November: Traded fate19 for master14 with Rachel.
20 November: Traded council20, messiah08/15, steak14 for ayesir12, chivalry05, master13, salamander06 with Naociak.
21 November: Gifted sealand16 to Naociak.
25 November: Exchanged 2 akai candies and midorin candy for titania17 & 4 mikan candies and 2 midorin candies for master06/18.
4 December: Was gifted with wusket01, private02, rain11, spirit02, wrath03 and 3 crayons (red, blue and yellow) for mastering Master!
8 December: Took allergen02, diligent13, lancelot02, lascivious03 from December Release.
8 December: Traded allergen02 for diligent16 with megachan87.
9 December: Traded lascivious03 for diligent19 with farsketched.
11 December: Gifted diligent13/16/19 to Naociak.
21 December: Traded shart05 for strip10 with Akkinioth. Traded wrath03 for chivalry03 with Animepam. CANDIES!!! <3

From: Gil, Tress, Lucatia, Chikky, Remus, Akai-san, Eri

From: Lita, Diasparkle, Tonko, Lazuri, John, Elisia, Kearin, Mikan-tan

From: Kristii, Tsubaki, Origami, Angela, Arianna, Ray

From: Kuri, Midorin, Lain, Ka-chan, Mnemosyne, Indigo, Miyako

From: Chuu, Kikai, Ouji

From: Naociak, Nuge, Mara, Megan, Dove, Moon, Murasaki-dono

From: Aru, Cassidy, Shadowy, Elphi, Abi, Cristal

From: Raven, Zweilous, Rachel, Hitomi, Nomi, Risu
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