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Apr 19, 2010 11:19

Hmm, a nice meme bandwagon to jump upon. My residential history in pictorial form, how exciting.

There is going to be a bad start to this meme - I don't remember a thing about the first house I lived in, I was about a year old when we moved out, so I have no recollection at all. It was on Orchard Way (I think), Chesterfield. To make up for this utter failure, have a picture of where I was born, Chesterfield Workhouse:

Obviously it was converted into a hospital by 1986 when I was born there.

In 1987 (ish) we moved from mystery Orchard Way house to Summerfield Road, Chesterfield, and my parents are still there. It's still home and I love it. My room is the top left as you're looking at it.

I only left here when I moved to Worcester College in 2004. 1st year (2004-5) was officially spent in Staircase 18, which is roughly here:

In reality it was spent in Brasenose with Andrzej:

Second year (2005-6) saw Andrzej hiding out in my Worcester room, Staircase 22. It was the ground floor room just behind those bushes on the right.

For final year, Claire, Will, Andrzej and I moved to Mill Street (just passed the station), and stayed there till 2008. The people made it, my room was huge and I still managed to fill it with crap. It was great and I look back on it fondly, even though I wasn't very happy in myself during the last year.

Post Mill Street, Andrzej and I moved a bit further down Botley Road to Earl Street, with Mike. The house was beautiful, and I was more settled in Oxford than previously, I almost grew to like it again.

But not enough to stay. August 2009 Andrzej and I moved to London, Grange Road, Bermondsey to be a little more specific. This is our flat, its alright, but a little stressfull at the moment (boo).

And that's the lot!
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