Kenaz's Big Fiction Index

Jan 01, 2020 20:58

I primarily write in the Tolkien fandom, with forays into other worlds as time and interest allows. As a result, my Tolkien stories are listed first, with other fandoms following in alphabetical order.

Note: Ionnath-Estel (The Sons of Hope) is currently offline for completion and revisions.


The Marchwarden Arc
The story of Haldir of Lorien, and the struggle to balance duty and desire. Complete.

Chronicles of the Forest King
A series of inter-related stories sharing the same universe, tracing Thranduil's life from his youth in Doriath, through the Third Age and beyond. Ongoing.
  • The Arrow Meets Its Mark: Silmarillion/LOTR, gen. ~2k words
  • Second Harvest: Silmarillion/LOTR crossover, slash. Thranduil/Haldir, R, ~10k words.
  • Weeds in Their Silver Hair: Post-Ring War. Thranduil/Haldir, R, ~2400 words

Silmarillion Stories

Lord of the Rings and beyond

Miscellaneous Ficlet and Drabbles
  • Desolate Winds, Part I: Over the Wandering Sea: Silmarillion/HoME-based. The only existing part of an abandoned "epic" about the Dagor Dagorath.  PG.
  • Diligence: LOTR slash. Elrohir/Erestor, PG. 300 words.
  • The Black Riders: LOTR/Good Omens crossover. Crackfic! PG-13 for bad humor. Boromir/GBH (Formerly Known As Big Ted). ~2k words.
  • Rôg's Battle Cry: Gondolin genfic. Rôg, G. ~200 words.
  • Untitled: Silmarillion drabble, implied slash. Finrod, Beren, PG. 100 words.
  • Untitled: Silmarillion drabble, slash. Maedhros/Fingon, PG-13. 100 words.

- T O R C H W O O D -

  • Conjunction: Tosh, The Doctor. PG. ~2000 words
  • Keep Calm and Carry On: Team Torchwood & John Hart. Sex, violence, general hijinks. WIP.
  • Lacunae: Jack/Ianto, PG-13, ~5000 words.
  • Preterite: The Perfect Past: Jack-Ianto genfic, PG, 325 words.
  • The Principia Tescordia: Teamfic, dodgy humor and language, PG-13, 13,000 words.
  • The Emperor's New Clothes: John Hart, R for explicit sex (het). 1500 words.
  • Drabbles: Various characters and pairings; various ratings.

    Odds and Ends
    • Bluebeard/ Le Barbe Bleu - Blueblood: A modern retelling. R. 6300 words.
    • Duran Duran, New Moon on Monday (Video) - Satellites: AU "John Taylor"/"Simon Le Bon" slash based on characters from the video (almost-but-not-quite RPS), R, 9k words
    • Nightrunner - Masks: Seregil/Wythrin slash, R. 938 words.
    • Swordspoint - Perquisites of Power: Alec and Diane Tremontaine, gen, PG-13, 3400 words.
    • Thomas Dolby, Airwaves (Song/Video) - Signal To Noise: Genfic, PG-13, 2k words
    • Velvet Goldmine - Velveteen: Curt/Brian slash, R. 1641 words.

    Miscellaneous Tables and Challenges
    I am slowly (very, VERY slowly) making progress on a variety of challenges. Individual fics have been listed above, and there is often some overlap, but for those of you who wish to see them in context, here's a list of the main tables for the challenges to which I have, however unwisely, committed myself.

fiction index

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