Squeeky wheel...

Nov 15, 2006 20:14

Let me start out by saying I apologize for not posting lately. I've been busy - with the house, with work, etc. But now I really feel like I have something to post about, so here we go.

Let me back up a bit.
I am still working at Indymac Bank. I am still technically a temp. I was originally told I would be made permanent at 90 days, but that has come and gone. My coworker who has worked there for 6 months just finally got made permanent. I really dislike the way Indymac/Bossler Hix (the temp agency) handles their temp situation. I have seen coworkers do great work and then just not show up one day because they were fired the night before (not the day before, but actually the night - they fire people on the phone at home). I have been told lies by the H.R. folks. And I got sick of it. I've started looking for a new job, and have even applied to a job elsewhere. And then I received a kind of "state of the company" email that the CEO of the company sends out occasionally to all of the employees across the country. In it he touched upon the "hiring freeze" that is going on at Indymac, and how that should help protect the current employees since this is kind of a mortgage slump time. And I got mad. There was a button at the bottom of the email saying "Leave Feedback", so I did. I basically said "I think you should hear my side of the story, as a temp here at Indymac", and outlined my whole situation. I told him about all the ways I was misled in the beginning, the lies I've been told since, etc. I didn't think it would lead to anything, but apparently it did. I got a call the next day from the Senior Vice President of HR (or something like that) from out in California. She told me that she had already spoken to Teresa (the HR lady who has been giving me trouble), and wanted to set up a time to talk to me so she could get my side of the story. I said sure, and we agreed that I would call her the next day (today). So I called the lady, and we spoke on the phone for over an hour. Basically, the HR rep at my building denies that she told me things, insists that she told me other things, etc. I gave my side of the story, and she says she's going to research the situation further, and asked me to call her again tomorrow. I emailed my boss, telling her what happened, and after lunch she came up to me and said "do you have a few minutes?" and took me to the conference room where HER boss was waiting. So I sat down with them, they asked me if I wanted to have a meeting with Teresa/if there was anything they could do/etc. I told them I was going to be talking to the Vice President again tomorrow and just see how it goes. And THEN I get another phone call. The caller ID said "Mike Perry". I though, Holy Crap, the CEO is calling me. I said to Danielle, my coworker who sits next to me, "um, it says Mike Perry is calling me" to which she replied "WHAT???" with a shocked look on her face. I answered the phone, and it was indeed Mike Perry, CEO of Indymac Bank, calling from California. He was very nice, and seemed very down-to-earth. To make a very long story somewhat shorter, the conversation went well. He basically said a) he read my feedback response and agreed that my situation sounded unfair. He said that he was unaware of how the whole temp situation was being handled and he will be looking into it. b) He said that he was glad I felt I could stand up for myself, because that's how he got where he is today, and that I seem like an intelligent woman who, if I weren't working for Indymac, would be doing good work somewhere else. c) He said that he will personally see to it that I get offered a permanent position as soon as possible - possibly within the next few days d)He'll see what he can do about he pay rate, although he'd have to do some research and couldn't promise anything in particular. Whew. Needless to say, I'm glad I said something. I'll keep everyone updated on what happens next...I'm supposed to talk to the Senior Vice President of HR again tomorrow....
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