Ganked from a person whose LJ I was snooping through, because I'm procrastinating and have no life.
1) When was the last time you went to the bathroom outside?:
2) Which was your favorite pokemon?:
I never had one, alas.
3) Which family member do you most resemble?:
Personality-wise, my father. Looks-wise, my mother. I also get some of my odder quirks from my mother, like bursting into song at the drop of a hat or playing with people's facial features to make them wake up.
4) Do you own your own Bible?:
I own the Book of Mormon, which was a pseudo-present from The Mormon. Does that count?
5) Do you wear deodorant?:
6) Do you clean up nice?:
Apparently I do, especially if it's pink.. ::gag::
7) When was the last time you tripped and fell?:
Ten minutes ago, when I was chasing the dog around the house.
8) Where was the last place you slept besides your home?:
The break room in the library at my workplace. Lunchtime = naptime, especially when my mother's lap is available. [Have I mentioned lately that I'm a rather spoiled child?]
9) What are you listening to right now?:
ガゼット - Nausea & Shudder. It's been so long since I've heard Ruki's lovely voice. ♥
10) Have you ever started an uncontrollable fire?:
The last fire I started was when I decided it would be fun to burn a Kleenex in my room. This was a few months ago.. There's a singed spot in my carpet still.
11) Ever run out of gas on the road?:
No, but I've come close.
12) Would you rather cut the grass or rake the leaves?:
Rake. There aren't a whole lot of trees in my yard, and you can always jump in the pile later. [Besides, it's too hot to mow.]
13) Your middle name spelled backward?:
14) What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer?:
The TRAX's new album. Sans Rose. ..I'm so depressed that he's gone.
15) Last time you swam in a pool?:
Hahaha.. Soooooooooo long ago. I don't even remember now. At least a year. Probably more.
16) Have you ever been in a school play?:
A few times in elementary school.
17) How many kids do you want?:
SIX. They will be beautiful, half-Asian, and bear the surname Murata. Oh yes. The most perfect children ever. ♥♥♥♥
18) Type of music you dislike most?
Rap. Country. ..some more rap.
19) You registered to vote?:
No.. No real point at the moment.
20) Ever been arrested?
21) Ever prank called anybody?:
22) Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving?:
Bungee-jumping would be awesome, because I don't really relish the idea of jumping out of an airplane, even WITH a parachute.
23) Do you have a garden?:
I, personally, do not have one. There's a sorta-kinda-maybe one in front of our house, though..
24) What's your favorite comic/manga?:
Ummm.. I don't really read them, actually. I guess Fruits Basket?
25) Bath or Shower, morning or night?:
Evening. I'm not awake in the morning to do anything other than just stand under the water.
26) Best movie you've seen in the past two weeks?
Pirates of the Caribbean 2!!!!1!11!!!ELEVEN!! [I so just wrote 'Parrots'..]
27) Best pizza topping?:
MEAT. Pepperoni and ham, to be specific. ♥
28) Peanuts or popcorn?:
Honey-roasted peanuts, caramel popcorn. Nummy~
29) Orange Juice or apple?:
Apple, because orange juice is just nauseating. [Unless it's my Grandma Oranjuse~ ♥]
30) When was the last time you voted at the polls?:
31) Are you good?: bed?
32) Ever order anything from an infomercial?:
No, but I've been tempted to do it, just because.
33) Sprite or 7-Up?:
Both are nauseating.
34) Have you ever had to wear a uniform to work/school?:
Middle school required the stereotypical Catholic school uniform. Ugh.
35) Ever thrown up in public?:
A few times.
36) Would you prefer being a millionaire or find true love?:
True love~ ♥♥♥♥ I have a feeling he's pretty well off, though, so it's not a big deal.
37) Do you believe in love at first sight?:
Sure. I don't think you should act on it to any extreme [look at Romeo and Juliet, the idiots], but it's definitely worth pursuing.
38) Who was the last person you visited in a hospital?:
Almost ten years ago, when my grandmother had pneumonia..and then she died.
39) did you have a lot of hair as a baby?:
I did indeed! It was black, too.
40) What do you think about most?:
KIRITO, DUH. Followed closely by bananas, oddly enough.
41) Favorite form of travel?:
Plane. I've only done it once, but I adored it.
42) Ear buds or wrap around headphones?
Ear buds.
43) What did you do last night?
Rediscovered my love of various and sundry Jrock bands that I've abandoned recently, daydreamed about Kirito, dreamed about marrying Kirito and bearing him small Asian children.. Oh! And I reorganized my hard drives. Again.
44) Have you ever licked a 9 volt battery? Should I? I'm intrigued..
45) What are you wearing?
Jeans, my Beatles tee, stripey pink underwear [cuteness ♥], a bra, my two rings that are apparently surgically attached to my middle fingers now, and a ponytail. ZOMFG, a ponytail. Le shock.
46) How many cars have you owned?
One. He's my baby. ♥
47) Do you have cable?
Yes. Not that I watch it.
48) What kind of computer do you use?
Er.. I think it's a Compaq desktop. The one at work is an ancient piece of shit that I want to bludgeon with something very dense and heavy because it refuses to read foreign characters.
49) Do you like anyone right now?
I'm in love~ With Kirito, of course. Because I'm a fangirl and a half, and proud of it.
50) Furthest place you ever traveled?
Philadelphia, PA. ..I think. Is Chicago further?
51) Do you know all the words to the national anthem?
Which one's the national anthem again?
52) What cell phone provider do you have?
I don't.
53) Have you ever smoked peanut shells?
..I'm sorry, do what?!
54) Have you ever been in a beauty pageant?
Haha, no. That would've been funny..
55) Who were the last people you sat at lunch with?
My mother and two of her coworkers. Librarians are fun.
56) Favorite chocolate bar?
Dark chocolate. Almost anything dark chocolate. If it's not dark, it's an imposter and doesn't belong in my line of sight. Someone else should consume the nasty thing quickly so it does not offend me with its presence for any longer than necessary.
57) Who is your longest friend and how long?
Many, many inches. ..okay, fine, seriousness. Definitely Anna. I've known her since elementary school, even if we haven't remained friends for a period longer than two consecutive years for the past nine years. We're too cool for normal friendships. You all know you're jealous.
58) Last time you ate a homegrown tomato?
A better question would be, 'Last time you ate a tomato at all?' And the answer? 'Never.'
59) Have you ever won a trophy?
I've won many trophies for Latin. Yay useless language studies.
60) Favorite artist?
Monet is wonderful.. I'm also very fond of Van Gogh, and whoever does that painting of the couple with the umbrella walking in London.. [It's in the Art Institute of Chicago.] I saw that last one in person, and it's absolutely beautiful.. Quite possibly my favourite painting ever. ♥
61) Favorite computer game?
Jill of the Jungle, man. A classic, that one.
62) Last thing you bought at Walgreens?
I honestly can't recall. I think Tammy and I may have bought milk there when we were in Myrtle Beach.
63) Can exes just be friends?
I don't see why not.
64) Did you have long hair as a young kid?
I had long hair up until this past January. I was a frickin' Goldilocks.
65) What message is on your voicemail machine?
Something my father babbled. It sounds weird to me.
66) Where would you like to go right now?
Osaka. I want to be with my Twin, and maybe catch a glimpse of Kirito while he's in town for that live in 8 days.
67) What was the name of your first pet?
Ginger was my parents' husky.. We didn't keep her long after she bit me. Lucky was around much longer. He was our Attack Kitty. ♥
68) What kind of back pack do you have, and what's in it?
I have a tan canvas messenger bag. I think it still has notebooks and a water bottle from the past school year in it..
69) Last person you kissed?
My dog, because she was blocking the hallway with her lazy self.
70) Are you a chick or a dude?
I am a heterosexual Caucasian female residing in eastern North America. I am neither fowl nor a surf-obsessed male.
71) Do you pray?
72) Ever wish on star?
I still do, even though it probably won't do any good. You never know.. Besides, we all know I'm a hopeless romantic.
73) Do you believe in karma?
74) What's your zodiac sign?
Gemini, as if it weren't apparent from my personality..
75) Have you ever almost died?
I cannot recall such an event, no..
76) Ever broken any bones?
A couple of toes. Almost cracked my kneecap when I tripped on the steps and gashed my knee open, though.
77) Do you cry during sad movies?
Depends on how attached I've grown to the characters.
78) Do you like to dance?
I love it. I just happen to suck royally as well.
79) Ever laid under the stars?
In Indiana, where the things in the grass didn't try to eat you.
80) Ever sat on a rooftop?
I often sit on the one by my parents' room when they're not home. I love being up there.
81) Is there such a thing as a soul mate?
I think there might be more than one possible combination of compatible souls, each with varying degrees of compatibility. If you're lucky enough to find the one most compatible with you, hold on to them if you can. If something happens, keep going down the line. I doubt that someone could ever find more than two of their 'soulmates' in one lifetime, though.. But I also think that it's stupid to believe in only one soulmate for any one person. What would happen if that soulmate died before you met them?
82) Could you live without the television?
Sure. Unless that includes internet shows and such.. Then it's a huge, resounding NO.
83) Could you live without music?
84) Do you have any self inflicted scars?
I have a scar on my knuckle from cutting at them with scissors when I was a child. I think that's it, though..
85) What do you dislike the most about life?
Sometimes it moves too slowly.
86) Have you ever been to jail?
No.. I visited the courthouse once with my friend's lawyer father, and that had cells in the back that I was allowed to see. Does that count?
87) Ever had a job for less than a day?
I'm guessing that babysitting doesn't count.
88) Ever been fired on your first day?
89) Ever been fired because of your attitude?
I've never been fired.
90) Do you get jealous of other people?
Of course. Are there really people who don't?
91) Would you rather love someone or be loved?
I'd much rather it be mutual. But if for some reason that's impossible, I'd rather be the one doing the loving.
92) What's under your bed right now?
All manner of things. Including another bed.
93) Ever done anything illegal?
Things having to do with traffic, illegal downloading/distribution of music and some programs, shoplifting [shiny stickers~].. Little things. Nothing serious.
94) How cool are you?
I'm not quite sure what this 'cool' concept is.
95) What kind of cookie was the last cookie you ate?
Some sort of dark chocolate confection that my mother's Scottish boss brought to lunch for me. We always share a box.
96) Who's your best friend?
Juli and Ailly. Ailly and I don't talk as much, and we're starting to have fewer things in common, but she's still one of my best friends. ♥
97) Did you graduate high school?
Yes, although I didn't walk across the stage. I felt that it was pointless, since it wasn't exactly a struggle.
98) Do you wear the same clothes two days in a row?
Jeans don't count, right?
99) Have you ever drove someone crazy?
..driven. I have never sent a person to a mental institution, no.
100) Ever bullied someone?
My brother.
101) Ever done the Macarena?
Ahh, prom and 8th grade. Good times.
102) Do you act your age?
Sometimes I have issues just remembering my age. Wouldn't that makes acting my age rather difficult?
103) Is it okay to disrespect your parents?
Depends on the parent. Some of them don't deserve respect.
104) Do you flush the toilet when you're done?
Of course! Why do people not?
105) How long do you stay in the shower?
Haha, a long time..
106) What kind of soap do you use?
I prefer body wash to bar soap.. I think the stuff I'm using now smells like lavendar.
107) Are mullets cool?
No, and I don't understand why some people still have them.
108) Spiderman, Batman, or Superman?
Spiderman is the shiznit. Batman is cool too. Superman is just trying to hide his gayness behind his vibrantly coloured costume.
109) Do you like your middle name?
I do indeed. It comes from a Beatles song.
110) Has anyone ever cheated on you?
I don't think he had the balls to do so, no.
111) What's your favorite animal?
Tigers. I think they're beautiful.
112) Favorite flower?
113) Have you ever shaved your head?
No, and it doesn't sound particularly appealing either.
114) Do you think marijuana should be legal for medicinal use?
115) Do you think it is okay to drink and drive?
No, but then again, I don't even drink.
116) If you won $1 million dollars, what would you buy first?
A plane ticket to Japan. I'd be out of this country SO FAST.
117) Do you fear terrorism?
No, I think it's stupid.
118) What's your favorite candle scent?
That black cherry stuff I had for awhile. I wish I remember what brand it was.. I really liked it.
119) Do you use profanity?
More than I should, although I'm trying to tone it down.
120) Who's the last person you talked to on AIM?
Tammy, when she was bumming MUCC albums off of me.
121) What's something you're ashamed of?
The only thing I'm really ashamed of is the same thing I refuse to tell anyone.
122) What woke you up last night?
The alarm clock, which interrupted my incredibly fluffy dream about being pregnant with Kirito's babies. hfgdflgjfd;kgjdl alarm clock.
123) What did you dream about last night?
See above.
124) Ever been to the zoo?
125) How many beers did you have today?
..I just read that as 'bears', what? Haha, none. Lots of Diet Coke, though.
126) What's the last movie watched?
Pirates of the Caribbean 2. I kinda wanna watch Nightmare Before Christmas, but I don't feel like climbing onto my desk so I can pull the video down from the shelf..
127) Are you usually late or on time?
Late. But fashionably so.
128) What's a cartoon you watch often?
..I don't?
129) Do you have any imaginary friends?
People probably think I do, since I talk to myself in the car all the time.
130) Are you waiting on something right now?
My eventual meeting with Kirito. I will do it. I will meet him. I may not end up ever dating him or becoming more than just another fangirl to him, but I will at least meet him.
131) Who's pretty?
132) Who's ugly?
Bou. I am so going to be stoned.
133) Are you worried about something?
A few things.
134) Ever swam in the ocean?
Yes, although I hate it.
135) How long did it take you to fill this out?
I don't know. I wasn't paying much attention. I got a little over halfway through Gazette's NIL album..
I should sleep. I'm starting to zone out.