
Oct 09, 2012 16:43

I'm employed!!!!!!Two years after leaving the job at university, i am once again employed full time at a non-temporary job (i've been working for a temp agency for the last year). I had my inperson interview yesterday and they called this morning to offer me the job. Yay ( Read more... )

rl, job

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Comments 9

tinnean October 9 2012, 22:22:39 UTC
So pleased for you, kender! I hope this will be a wonderful job. *hugs*


dolimir_k October 9 2012, 22:34:09 UTC

And regarding the four computer systems, notes...notes...NOTES.

I always take notes (because I have the memory of a sieve), then type them up afterward. I usually call my notes my monkey manual (because they are incredibly detailed notes). But I keep them until I know the system without thinking about it.

My bosses (at my current job) liked my monkey manual so much they had me share it with everyone. We now call it a procedural manual. Heh.

So if they don't have a manual. Create one! And one time for a review comes up, mention that you've created a process manual for when you are absent. *beg*


hawk_soaring October 9 2012, 23:39:05 UTC
Congrats on the job! Lab people are the best (and I'm totally not biased). :)


noble_knave October 10 2012, 03:40:28 UTC
*hugs* SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!! Where is it? What you do?


marko_the_rat October 10 2012, 08:28:02 UTC
My god, that's wonderful! And also very encouraging news to me seeing as I was recently made redundant. Your line about the universe providing is something I need to embrace again. The universe did provide once but when I handed the gift back in 2008 I've dared not ask again. But maybe it is still listening, as I was miserable where I was (I know all about jobs from Hell!) and this way I get the gentle push I needed to move on, and a pot of money to ease my passing. I just have to hope that the right opportunity comes my way when I need it.

None of this is intended to detract from the genuine happiness I feel for you both, so please accept my hearty congratulations. This was just me thinking aloud, and maybe hoping for some quiet affirmation that the universe does indeed provide, even when we dare not ask it to.


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