May 11, 2010 03:16
- 00:21:40: who am I kidding, I'm totally screwed for this paper -.- I don't even have enough interviews or anything T_T
- 07:52:47: sh*t!!!!!!! Fell asleep again!!! Now there's no way I can get this paper done on time!! lakjdsfljasldfkjsaljkfd
- 08:03:57: OMG got some answers on my questionnaire overnight!!! I love my friends<3<3<3
- 08:40:19: God bless you, author of that Jero article. You answer pretty much the same questions my paper does; thank you for being a great source
- 10:20:18: Amuse was coordinating Magibon's Japan appearances... THAT'S MIURA HARUMA'S TALENT AGENCY! *is somehow bitter* LOL
- 12:11:08: omgomgomgomg what if I miss the deadline???? lakjsdlfkjaslkfjlasjfdlkasjf
- 13:26:24: fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
- 18:16:39: i need a new computer!!!!! arghhhh
- 21:40:31: well... one paper and one exam left. I HAVE to start one tonight... do NOT want a repeat of what happened with the last two papers *cries*
- 22:03:19: new KAT-TUN album coming out~<3 (wait but that means no Jin? T_T EW)
- 22:13:02: actually if it's all autotuned I'm gonna be pissed off. I really don't like their new sound. I want my rock-ish KAT-TUN back, plz :(
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