hung out with nadia today had a lot of fun at her house then i went to toby's and i had a lot of fun with him he came out to see me in my soccer game it was great anyway, survey here it is
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updatIng caUse NadIa wants me too<3 tonight was awEsome, me and NadIa hung out<3 and tobY and jt stoPPed by<3well nadia wasn't it awesome lol well i really gotta go well yeah
HeLLo EvEryoNe, ToDaY i WeNt tO tObY's HoUsE, I LoVe YoU ToBy! AhHhHhHhHhH I cAn'T waIt uNTiL SuNDaY...DyLaN's HoCkey GaMe! We'Re aLL so ExCiteD AbOut It! so JT AnD mAnNY cAmE oVer To My HoUSE So We InVItEd NaDia aNd We All HunG ouT! HaD fUn! HoPE tO dO iT aGaIn sOmEtIme MaNNy, NadIa, Jt LovE yOu ALL!
hEy EvEryOnE ToDay wAs FuN! ToBy CaMe OvEr I LoVe YoU tOby! aNd AfTER i WeNT tO naDIa's hOuSe WE HuNg It WaS FuN!!! WeLl AfTER i HaD SoCcEr PrAcTiCE, ToBy CaMe To WatCh=) WeLL tOmOrRoW sHoUlD bE fUn ME, eMmA, AnD nAdiA ArE GoIng ShOppIng!=) sO i HaVe To Go, HoMeWoRK LoL!!! ByE
Oh My GoSh ToBy CaMe OvEr ToDaY wE haD tHe bEsT TImE, I LoVe YoU ToBy AnD tOmMoRrOW I hAve fIeLD hOcKey PrAcTIce I MiGht Go tO tObY'S AfTeR oR SoMEtHiNG i LovE yOu ToBy<3 ByE