This is how "blah" I am right now.

Jul 22, 2005 11:25

1.Do you shave? Yes
2.What do you shave? Face for work. I trim my package and my pits
3.Why? because of work, and because if I want a girl to shave, I should at least trim.
4.What colour is your razor? Who gives a fat fuck? I think silver and black
5.What size is your bed? Queen motherfucker. I can stack like, 8 bitches on that.
6.Do you like it? It's like family... it has to take me in when I have to go to it.
7.You're going on a date for a walk around the lake then a coffee at a cafe. What do you wear from your closet? I don't give a fuck.
8.Would you go naked in a bathtub with a naked old man/woman with each of you having a bar of soap and soap each other till the bars of soap run out for a million dollars? For a mil? I' skip the bullshit and take it in the ass.
9.If you woke up one morning and found out you were going to stay in the body you have now for the rest of your life, what would you think? I'd think, "what the fuck did I do last night?" Then be like, "oh, cool."
11.If World War III broke out, what would you say? Whatup, Mexico?.
12.Buttons or boxes? That is ridiculous.
13.Which 5 people do you trust and are open with the most? Honestly, I couldn't name five. I'm a trusting bastard, but everyone lies these days, mostly to themselves.
14.What's something a guy/girl will wear that'll turn you off? Swastikas.
15. What's something a guy/girl will wear that'll turn you on? A smile.
16. What do you think of soulmates? Are we talking a pair of shoes or the Temptations? I'm not sure they exist.
17. Florida or Cali? Hurricanes or mudslides and earthquakes? I don't give a fuck. Who's buying? I need to live in a temperate zone... otherwise, I'll take warmth for granted.
18.Is the world screwed? absolutely. We need an apocalypse.
19.Is cussing a neccesity in life? No, only a sweetener.
20.What's an object you can't live without? My wang.
21.Can you live without the microwave? Yeah, I would just bitch about having to cook all the time.
22.You have this uh, erotic dream about your friend of the opp. sex. how do you act and feel around that friend the next day? I'd probably tell them I wanted to fuck them.
23.Would you rather be rich with 15 spoiled brats or just barely making it with a dog? Is the dog hot?
24. How's your schoolwork for you right now? Ask someone without a degree. OOOHHHH!
25.What's something someone's done to make you hold a grudge against them? I don't believe in grudges, but I blame most of the wrongs done to me in life on drug abuse or dishonesty.
26.Favorite weather? I like heat without humidity or a thunderstorm from indoors.
27.What's one look trait that attracts you to a guy/girl? Curves, the way she carries herself.
28.What's one personality trait that attracts you to a guy/girl? Passion, attitude, confidence.
29.Do you know what 143 means? The person that wrote this quiz has downs syndrome or the IQ equivalent?
30.Who's phone number are you hoping to get? Paris Hilt... oh wait, everyone already has that...
31.What is melancholy? Melancholy can actually be beautiful if self-pity doesn't ruin the ponderance it creates.
32.What is mellow? Kenny before several drinks.
33.Do you beleive in ghosts? I will when I see one.
34.What time did you fall sleep last night? According to my cell phone, I fell down on my face sometime after 4 am.
35.Which guy/girl do you wish to be with RIGHT now? The Swedish bikini team.
36.Is it right to flirt if you have a bf/gf? There is such thing as "fun flirting." If you aren't leading someone on (i.e. you must tell then you're in a loving relationship) it can be innocent fun to fet that special flirty attention from a girl.
37.Would you rather be married in venice, italy, or honolulu, hawaii? Probably Venice. More wine, less Polynesian scum. That was a joke, I actually hate Polynesians and Italians equally.
38.Would you rather eat sandwiches or pasta for the rest of your life? Taco Bell
39.(guys) how would you feel if you gave a girl a flower? Pretty good about my chances of getting laid that night, in most cases.
(girls) how would you feel if you got a flower from a guy? Did he have bangin' hips?
40.Do you want to drop school? I did before I graduated. Eat my shit.
41.What do you think of the word, "no pain, no gain" ? First of all, that's four words. Secondly, I think that pain most often directly attirbutes to the strength of one's moral aptitude. Aside from that, it sucks butthole.
42.What do you think of the quote "eyes are the passageways into the soul" ? Eyes are very confessing. Ask anyone who has played poker or is good at detecting lies. Blind people are fucked either way.
43.What do you think of sleep? I chase it around my bedroom for hours. there's a masturbation joke in here somewhere, but I'm too lazy to think of a good one.
44.If you had the chance to slow down your growth now and live to 500 years but it's like a 50 year old body by then, would you go for it? My growth has already slowed down. But honestly, I'd probably do it. That way, future generations that wanted to learn about me wouldn't have to read.
45.At one point in a girl/guy friendship will one them them like each other even if it's only for a little bit? As soon as they're willing to be honest to themselves.
46.Are you a procrastinator? Can I answer this later?
47.Waffles or pancakes? Sausage gravy.
48.How's your cereal in your bowl? GAY
49.What's an annoying trait about you?
50.Football or rugby? I guess football, though I could probably get into rugby.
51. Hat or visor? Widow's peak.
52.Ice skating or rollerblading? Both frighten me greatly.
53.(guys) your gf has long beautiful hair which you love, she comes to school the next day with a short crop cut. what do you HONESTLY think? Don't really care. It'd be an initial turn off, but I'd get over it.
(girls) your bf has hair you love. he comes to school the next day with a shiny head. what do you HONESTLY think? Some people can bic their noggins and some just can't.
54.Pizza or burgers? Yes.
55.What colour is your jacket? Eh, black leather and black hoodie.
56.What's something you ALWAYS have on you? Wallet, cell, keys.
57.What do you think of guys with nailpolishes? They probably suck dicks.
58.Do you stay in bed thinking or do you fall alseep in 5 seconds? I am crazy insomniac.
59.Would you rather go to a boarding school, private school, or an all girls or guys school? All girls, duh. fuck private schools.
60.There's a high school that'll be on a cruise ship and you have the opportunity to go. it's your last year at school. do you go for it? Who would answer no?
61. Who do you want to take with you to the prom? I'd probably go with any high school bitch to prom at this point, as long as I didn't have to meet her parents.
62. Your bf/gf gets drunk at a party. in their state of drunkness, they babble about that one time they fooled around with someone else while you were together. they wake up the next morning with a slight memory that did something stupid. what do you do? No tolerance with cheating, mentally or physically. If a relationship needs to end, let it end.
63.Is cyber sex considered cheating? It's considered lame.
64.How do you react to change? Usually I find it exciting and refreshing.
65.Are you happy? I'm in a bit of a rut right now, but it could definitly be worse.
66.Favorite berries? Beef.
67.What's one facial feature you'd like to change about yourself? I would actually like to say the bags under my eyes. I look like a damn holocaust victim.
68.Do you take a shower after a bath? Actually, I have, but I never bath now.
69.What's colour's your towel? Tan or blue. Never red.
70.What do you think of knuckle cracking? I don't give a flying fuck.
71.What was the last thing you cried over or got teary about? I get teary when I watch movies on the lovey encore channel because I'm a bitch. Last time I cried was when my mommy died last summer.
72.Chalk or crayons? Sharpies.
73.How's you happiness level right now? 0 (low)- 10 (high) Like a 6. I'm very listless.
74. Coffee or Tea? Tea on rare occasions.
75.Wouldn't you just love to hug someone right now? Most of the time. I'm a pretty affectionate dude.
76.Who was the last person who complimented you? Um, I think some co-worker.
77.What's wrong with your school? My Alma Mater? It breeds ignorace.
78.Do you know what an aphrodisiac is? Who seriously writes this shit. I'm Omitting these stupid ones from now on.
79.Who do you wish you could kiss? Probably Angelina Jolie. She's got some whoppers.
80.Movies at home on in a theater? Action movies on the big screen, dramas or horrors with a cuddle buddy on the couch.
81.Wanna live in a castle? Sure, I guess bitches dig castles.
84.(girls)what's something about guys you don't get?
85.(guys) what's something about girls you don't get? I get everything.
86.Who was better in rush hour/rush hour 2? Chris Tucker and Jackie Chan are both cool for different reasons.
87.If someone said you were hot, what would you think? Right now? I'd for sure believe them.
88. You go to your bf/gf's house for the first time and in his/her room, and everywhere is... you. What do you think? That would be creepy.
89.What happens when you hear the word christmas? Depends on how much shopping is done.
90.Does being a psycho sound appealing? I think I would be a good psycho. I think I could play a good villian.
91.What food brings back good memories? Manhattan ices, popcorn, most holiday fare, Indian food.
92.Do you talk to yourself? Not usually outloud, but my mind is often racing.
93.Sun or moon? The moon is infinitely more beautiful. You can't even really look at the sun.
94.What's your opinion on love? It's a fiery thing that makes a fiery ring.
95.What's a happy memory of a time you've spent with the opp. sex? Probably the best time was when Deb and I got our first apartment together. It was like summer camp all summer long.
96.Would you rather go ballroom dancing or square dancing? Ballroom, but I good do a square dance if I got drunk enough.
97.Do you think you can afford to lose weight? Eh, I'm still pretty skinny.
98.If you could dye your hair any colour, what would you dye it? I've dyed it. I probably wouldn't do it again. If I became all punker I'd probably do some vibrant solid color.
99.What's the nicest thing any one has ever told you? I've had people flatter the fuck out of me all of my life, honestly. I'm very social and passionate, I create fans. The best is when someone you admire admires you back. Mutual respect gets a lot of beautiful things accomplished. was the survey? Mostly fucking boring, honestly, I just got sucked in by some of the earlier more unique questions.
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