About my last entry, Thank you for all your support to me...
I have been better now..I have spoke with my mother with phone call..it was helped me much..
And as usual, she gave me unpleasant speech like..
"You're stupid! How can you cry, you are a man, right! I will cook your favorite cuisine when you come back later, just be patient! and don’t cry
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Comments 81
It's good to see you're having fun being in Japan again!
yeah!! I'm looking forward for sakura too..<3
pas sampe di indo jadi 150 rebu ya..LOL
ga jadi deh..XDD
bukunya sih sebenernya 70 rebu klo dirupiahin..
kan ongkos kirim dan ongkos capenya kiz..XD
lagian klo dah nyampe di kino juga pasti sekitar segitu kiz harganya../lintah darat mode on
Please post pictures when you go to Kyoto. I love Kyoto. I will go there someday. Yay!♡
I will post my picture!! just wait for it..XD
Thank you. By the way, what's a homestay family?^^
homestay family is like my step family in Japan...my relationship is like blood-family..
because when Japanese family consider you as close person for them, they would treat you as family FOREVER.
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i love ethnic music actually...XD
you have to watch it!!that's awesome!
Awww, what you're mom said was cute and funny >,<
Wow, you are planning to go to soooo many places. Hope you enjoy your spring break ^^
Yeah, i think that jump's concert would eat you money =)
thanks nee!!!
Yeah,,,but I love them...it can't be helped neee
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