Hmmm..karena ini tentang fashion, harus benar-benar dipikirkan yang sempurna, belakangan ini aku sudah memiliki ketertarikan tentang ini. Sebelumnya, aku tidak pernah pergi berbelanja sendiri, dan tidak pernah memutuskan sendiri. Aku memilih yang sederhana dan nyaman dipakai. Tidak perlu memakai kalung. Aku tidak suka memakai asesoris, menurutku, memakai itu hanya membuat kecemasan saja. Aku tidak suka pakaian yang penuh warna, jarang dipakai. Kemudian untuk bagian bawah, karena aku suka memakai warna-warna yang gelap, maka denim yang sederhana cukup bagus yo. Untuk desain, aku suka yang robek-robek gitu, yang standard. Kemudian untuk sepatu, aku suka sneakers. Sepatu boots juga keren tapi kayaknya aku terlalu awal untuk memakainya. Jika aku SMA nanti, akankah melakukan debut memakai sepatu boots?
Jika aku bertualang mencari baju, aku ingin Yabu-kun menjadi konsultan fashionku! Memberi saran secara personal tentang baju-baju yang pantas dipakai. Kemudian aku ingin melakukan tantangan, melakukan fashion gaya Rusia! Seperti memakai topi-topi berbulu, sangat menarik. Apalagi, jika 10 member ganti baju bersama, itu akan lebih menarik lagi. Membicarakan tentang hal itu, di Myojo edisi kali ini, JUMP ditempatkan di ruangan ganti baju. (end)
English Translation
Hmmm..because this is about fashion, must think that perfect for me. Lately, I had have interested with this. Before this, I’m never go to shopping self and never decide self. In fashion, I choose that simple and comfort to wear. Don’t need to wear necklace. I don’t like wear accessory, in my case, wear accessory is only make I feel discouraged. I dislike colourful cloths, I’m rare to wear it. And then, for the bottom, because I like dark colours, so simple denim is good enough. For design, I like damage cloths but seems standard (kenken: I think damage cloth here means rock style). Then, for shoes, I like sneakers. Boots is cool too but I think that too early to wear it. If I’m in Senior High School later, is good to do boots debut?
If I wandering to search cloth, I want Yabu-kun to be my fashion consultant! Give suggestion personally about cloths that match to wear. And then I want to do a challenge, do a Russia’s fashion style!! Like wearing a feather hat, it’s interesting ne. Moreover, if all 10 members changes cloth together, it’s more interesting. Speak about that, on this Myojo edition, JUMP are placed in outfit room.(end)
Comment:oh my GOSH..
My kawaii bro like rock style!! I’m not expected this…
His otoko side begin to ROCK!!! LOL
why Yabu?why???
and then..
I don’t know, maybe because my mind is ero…
His words about “if all 10 members changes cloths together, it’s more interesting”
Make me ( 0_0;)?
OH GOD….my kawaii bro!! you have contaminated….LOL
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