Mar 30, 2010 12:08
Q1. What your favorite music genre?kenken: the useless question, because EVERYONE in the world knows the answer
Because I like Arashi, so I like all Arashi’s songs (laugh). The song that I like now is [My Girl] and [Tokei Jikake no Umbrella]. I get mystery feeling when I hear [Tokei~], it’s cool.
Q2. What kind of music genre that you want to sing?
It’s rock like KATTUN, or techno music with using voice changer. I want to sing a song like [My Girl] too. Hey Say JUMP and NYC has many spiritful songs, if we sing a song like that (note: rock and techno), I wonder how it would be.
Q3. What music instrument that you like or you want to play it?
I think the cool music instrument is Bass. But if I want to play something, I want to play keyboard. Bass is too big for me, right? (laugh). I think if I have to choose, keyboard is suitable for me. kenken: the combination of Hikaru and Inoo..:D
Q4. What your favorite song dance move?
Arashi [Truth]. The dance movement is like puppet, it’s really impressive. kenken: the third time you answer Arashi, it’s still fine since Nino is include in Arashi…XD
Q5. Is dance your hobby or your strong point?
It is strong point that I really want (laugh). I think I will improve it to become my strong point! When my mood was good, I can remember the dance moves quickly (laugh). Or when the others’ energy enter to my body, I can remember it perfectly.
Q6. What kind of dance genre that makes you feel challenged?
Nothing. I feel acrobat is danger enough for my body (laugh).
Q7. Senpai who attract you with his dance?kenken: let me answer this for you, Chinen?
Ohno (Satoshi)-kun. I admired with his lightly movement and footwork. Then, (Tanaka) Kouki. I can follow everyone’s dance, I can follow it step by step. But I just can’t follow those 2 person’s step.
Q8. Are you like your voice?
I like it. If I don’t like my voice then I think you won’t like my voice (laugh). I will try my best so that everyone likes my voice.
Q9. Singing is your hobby or your strong point?
I want it as my strong point, singing is the most favorite thing for me. Now, at the midway of the changing of my voice, I feel some difference at singing, so I have to do some practices again. Now, my best singing range is narrow, if the period of the changing of my voice has been finished, I want to do high tune voice again, I’m looking forward how my voice would be at that time.
Q10. Senpai who attract you with his singing?kenken: please take a coffee break, Chinen. I will answer this again for you
Ohno-kun. I feel he has cool and straight voice at singing. Then, it’s beautiful when I hear it. kenken: yeah..yeah..yeah…
Q11. What your favorite place for concert?
The place where I can please you! I want to go to the place where every visitor is full of spirit. The main purpose of the concert is everyone becomes full of spirit. The place where I can see the visitor one by one, and I can give peace sign for them.
Q12. What challenge that you want to do in the concert?
At the Spring Concert of Hey Say JUMP, especially I want singing. I will do my best to increase my solo part!
Q13. The senpai who attract you in the concert?kenken: I think you need additional coffee, Chinen. Let ignore this question, okay?XD
Of course, it is Arashi (laugh) kenken: Nino, Nino, Nino. It is differ with the warmness of Hey Say JUMP visitor, they looks happy.
Q14. Are you feel happy with your job?
I feel happy. There are many challenges every time.
Q15. Is it hard to balance between school and job?
My grade in all subjects are 5 now (note: In Japan, the perfect score is 5), and I have to keep my grade like that! Even thought there are many hurdles that comes later, I think I would still struggle to face it. kenken: smart boy..
Q16. What thing that you like in your job except music?
Variety show. I don’t talk in full of show, but when I do program [School Kakumei] (NTV), I feel really happy. I appearing together with Yamazaki (Hironori)-san from Untouchable, if I reject to talk, he will reply me with something suddenly. He will say, “Please talk!”, so I become want to talk (laugh).
Q17. The senpai who attract you in variety?
Ninomiya (Kazunari)-kun kenken: finally!! You mention Nino…<3. But it’s not because he is cool! kenken: I’m smelling rivalry fragrance here? Anyone who become the guest, he never wants to yield, I think he is really suitable with Tsukkomi (note: straight man) position.
Q18. What method that you use to overcome tiredness?
I can’t think another thing, it must be sleep! Recently, I’m always sleep before 12.00 a.m. Because I have to wake up at 6.00 a.m. I’m always feel refreshed with do that, but recently, I’m not feel refreshed again…(note: he’s still tired)
Q19. What reward that you want after you have struggled hardly?
Sleeping in a whole day, I just can think about it. In holiday, I certainly can’t go outside (laugh). Basically, I will sleep until 1.00 p.m. kenken: What? It’s over 12 hours! But changing cloths is something that I feel bother to do.
Q20. The senpai who attract you personally?kenken: tired to answer…XD
Taguchi (Junnosuke)-kun. kenken: wowww, i’m wrong….XD. He is really skillfully at tennis and billiard, he can become expert in his hobby, I think it’s cool.
free for correct
sorry for my terrible English
comments are loved!
chinen yuuri,