Take the first entry (or the first substantive entry) from each month and repost it on your LJ, and call it "The Year in Review"
Went shopping with Joel today. Bought 4 CDs for myself, Joel got me a dance mix (score), and I also got Garden State. OOh, and a shirt from Nordy's. Overall a very successful day. YAY.
Cds: Run Lola Run Soundtrack, The Killers - Hot Fuss, The Blood Brothers - Burn, Piano Island, Burn, Joss Stone - Mind, Body, and Soul
have a good sunday everyone! see most of you at school on monday.
Tonight was fun. Concert...kind of boring. Bryan came and hung out with us, which was reeeally cool! sorry we made you sit through all that buddy!!! We should have gotten coffee. Before we went to the concert, Bryan, Olivia, Becca and I all got Taco Del Mar and pretty much I just got fish taco all over myself...good job Zach, way to impress someone you've just met. Hahah, in closing: bad choice of events, but good time had despite what we all had to work with. And besides: they sang seasons of lovE!!!! YAY RENT!!!
do you ever get that feeling where you're so angry about doing something/being somewhere that you just make it as hard and unpleasant for yourself as possible? that's what happened to me today.
When you feel embarassed, I'll be your pride. When you need direction, I'll be the guide.
Ben Gibbard
I feel like I've just been fucked up lately. I feel like recently, I've begun to define myself by how attractive I am/can be. I don't want to be that person. And my recently I mean the last 6 months or so, not like, that last few weeks. I've disowned half of my closet/dresser simply because I don't think it's "attractive." Not that I'm completely disregarding my sense of style or anything, but I'm just realizing that even my ratty, oil stained shorts, and my oversized red zip-up sweater are part of what I wear too. It's wierd. I lately have also felt the best when I have no clothes on. I don't know...I'm really confused right now, I need something to blame it on. Maybe this isn't actually it. Things are wierd right now. I've never felt more supported and surrounded by love, but on the same token, I'm really not feeling like myself...I'm changing...and I feel like it's for the worse.
June - oh good lord i fucking remember this
Okay, now is the point where someone needs to tell me how to effectively trim the hair on my balls (yes, meaning my scrotum only, everything else i'm fine with) without nicking myself. Tried scissors tonight. I have tissue on my balls now. Don't ever do it. it's a bad idea, but someone tell he how to get rid of that fucking hair!
I miss Elena. I called her cell phone today just so i could listen to her answering machine and leave a message telling her how much i miss her. I feel like that makes me a total nerd, but I don't care, because I want my Elena back. This has made me realize that Elena going to college can wait until I die...I'd miss her too much. Shalom.
Yakima was fucking amazing. end of story. ask me personally if you want stories, i got plenty.
...can't stop thinking about this same issue that's been bothering me the last like, oh, i don't know, three weeks or so. blah.
Ummm...mon frere last night = freakin' awesome. they're gonna be big...i can feel it in my boner bones. Had to leave before the divorce took the stage...*sigh* (sorry gar-bear). Mon Frere was awesome though....wow...nouella touched my face while she was singing. literally took the mic off the stand, walked over to me and cupped her hand around my face and sang "is this the beginning of a brand new day?" to which i semi-awkwardly and attention-whorishly responded with a series of "i don't know!" motions. all in all, quite awesome. I strongly encourage all who can to get on i-tunes or amazon and purchase their five-song EP "Real Vampires" It's a great EP. They combine Guitar, Synth, and Drums, for some of the heaviest synth-rock i've heard in my life. oh...and sidenote? their drummer's gorgeous. biggest cutie ever. Everyone! DL THE MON FRERE EP! fin.
oh...dance was kind of fun. people = great...dj = blew
I've never cried when I read a book. I did today. In a public place no less. It felt good.
So today I heard the best quote ever from Carlos Mencia:
"When black people have no water or electricity, they call it the ghetto
But when white people have no water or electricity, they call it camping!"
It made my night.
I kind of want a piece of candy right now....it's 11 PM though. Maybe tomorrow.
Mmmm...what also made my day is that I found out that Dr. Abrey (my chem teacher) watches Supernatural on the WB, and she watched it on sunday, and we had a five minute conversation about the hook man after class. Jenna made fun of me for watching it, but if someone in the Lakeside Science department finds it worthwhile, it's obviously worthwhile. Because we all know: Lakeside Science is the coolest of the cool. If only I could find a teacher who watches Charmed...yeah. right.
the best relationships are the ones that leave you happier every time. i'm glad to have one.