That was so much fun. Thank you, everyone, who joined in the festivities. I only wish I hadn't bought all that snack food for the after-party. Gonna be eatin' that crap for the next month, now.
Friday was the busiest day I've had all year. I don't even think my WEDDING day (comin' up soon) will match up to it. Get this: I was gonna take my mid-term on Thursday and get it out of the way, but the secretary called me up and said they were having a fire drill that afternoon. In a Master's class, it doesn't do to break your stride in an exam to go stand outside in the hot, hot sun. So, I had to postpone it 'til Friday afternoon.
Got up on Friday morning and immediately drove out to pick up Angel. We then went to Wally-World for drinks and snacks and such. Went back home and I returned to studying while she did some work about the house. Left for my exam just as some of our friends were arriving. Seriously, I passed them on that long-ass road leading to my house.
The exam wasn't bad. I often feel unprepared for this professor's exams simply due to the way she teaches. Never before have I had so much instruction by example. Give me some underlying theory, woman!!! Finished as quick as I could and ran by to pick up the Yellow Ranger (she's hawt... no, *BAD* wolf!).
Arrived back at the house to see Ginger has been entertaining himself with Prototype. That game is ADDICTIVE!!! The lot of us turned-and-burned to go to the movie.
I've heard many names for this, but the funniest one so far is "Michael Bay's 3-Hour Erection." My God, this movie has gotten some bad reviews. Still, I got what I paid for; I wanted to see giant robots beating the ever-loving shit out of each other! In that respect, the movie did not disappoint. The funniest thing in the movie was the twins. All those self-aggrandizing soap-box ravings about racist undertones in the movie fell as comedy before my eyes. Don't you get it? The Transformers have adopted the mannerisms they learned from watching US! Specifically, what they have seen on television. I find the low-key social commentary most amusing. That, and the conversation of "Hey, that hurt! / It's supposed to hurt; it's an ass-kickin'!".
The first twenty minutes of the movie nearly drove me to murder. No, not due to the narrative or cinematography, but because this little jackass behind me kept having little micro-orgasms every time Megan Fox appeared on the screen. I'm serious! This dude actually moaned whenever he saw a single square inch of her skin!!! I won't tell you what I was thinking of doing to this guy, only that it involved considering some very complicated physics problems including available shoulder and elbow torque, stationary inertia of a 150 lb. man, and the tension-load capability of the human jaw and neck. It ended with, "Yeah, I think I can clear the two rows in front of me." I was saved from my own maniacal machinations by Yellow turning around and damn near biting the guy's head off. Love that girl. Really do.
The Doctor was kind enough to join us at the theater afterward. His father's been having some medical trouble, so he could not join us for the movie proper. On to Cheeburger! Wow, nine folks, all crowded around the table, just havin' a good time. Ooo! We made up a new game. Find a vehicle, any vehicle, then say "Autobot" or "Decepticon". It's awesome! Everyone was stuffed after dinner. However, the Doctor received more news about his dad, so he took his leave.
We returned to my house to watch movies. Interesting mix: "MST3K: The Movie" and "Starship Troopers". Peeps got to check out some high-def, too! There was chips, popcorn, and liquor. A good night. Poor Yellow, she passed out from the 'itis'. Cuddled up to her beau, who had joined us after dinner. Nice guy. Treats her like a princess. I approve.
The hour grew late, and everyone buggered off. Angel wanted to clean up from the party at that point, but I grabbed her by the hand and we went upstairs to take a nap. And boy, did we NAP! Finally woke up when she said that I had to take her home.
I slept most of Saturday. No, seriously, I didn't get up until well after noon! Must have gotten around ten or eleven hours of sleep or something. Angel and I spent that evening with the Doctor, watching the end of Doctor Who Series 4. It has one of the biggest payoffs I have ever seen in a television show. So, with the exception of the two specials that have aired so far, Angel is caught up to present... and she's depressed. She's not used to having to *wait* for new episodes.
Angel left for NM yesterday morning. She'll be gone for much of this month. When she gets back is when everything REALLY takes off, since we'll only be about two months out from the wedding.
So, it is no surprise that I'm here, at work, on a Monday morning, and am COMPLETELY exhausted.