After being absent for the longest time, I have finally returned to LJ. For those who are still with me and still my friends, I'm sorry that I have not been more active, life has been hectic lately. And for those who are no longer my friends on here, well, you're not reading this, so who cares, lol. So, what has been the reason for my temporary hiatus? A combination of school, work, and studying.
Let's start off with school. I originally signed up for four classes this semester, I only ended up with three, turns out the math class I tried for was a waitlisted class, meaning unless people drop it - 37 for my turn - I won't be getting in. Now I'm down to two. I originally had LAN Networking, C Programming, and Acting. Take a guess at which one I dropped. I'll give a hint: it rhymes with co-hamming.
Yeah, I dropped it. Reason being is that I couldn't understand C for the life of me. I took an intro class about 3 or 4 semesters ago, and I was okay at it. I could write code to get my main program to work, but what I did horrible at was creating functions - sub-programs that require their own codes so the main program could call them. I cannot understand how to make functions work. In C programming, I got 1 class as a refresher, after that, I had nothing but functions. And the thing is, if you have a weak point that no one can help you with, its pretty much a failed attempt. So, that class is off the list. At least I still have the other two.
LAN just started last week - I forgot to mention, they changed this class to start halfway thru the semester the day before the class was originally supposed to start - and it seems to be going well so far, I like it, and I've also made a few friends. Acting is fun. With acting I had to choose a monologue at the very start of class, and we've been working on them for the past few weeks, but since the class is about 10 people and the duration of each class is about 3 hours, we spend at least an hour on each person to do the readings and practices. So, I've only gone once, and I won't be going again until about another few weeks, where I have to memorize it by then, tones and all. Oh, I was also required to watch our school's rendition of The Tempest, by William Shakespeare. Now, I'm not much of a Shakespeare fan, but this wasn't a bad play, I actually didn't fall asleep. And the actors weren't bad either, which made it more compelling to actually watch it than to fumble with my Zombie Survival Guide.
Now, that's all for school, so here is the work update. It still sucks. It hasn't gotten any better, but on certain days I do actually succeed in making discount card percentages, but its gotten increasingly hard because people are realizing that other book stores are better, even if they are farther away. And people don't want to pay $20 a year. So, that's that., study, study. That's all I've been doing lately. Why? I'm not sure if I mentioned this before or not, but I'm studying to get my A+ Certification. I want to be able to work as an IT guy and actually get paid better money for things that I like to do. And that has been taking up my time about 1-2 hours a night if I'm not already tired from work or school or preoccupied with Noelle. I haven't been able to study in the past few weeks though, too much buildup of stress and exhaustion causes me to just sit and stare at blank spaces. Fun times indeed.
So, with the spare time I have, what have I been doing? For starters, I am now officially a Lost addict. A few months ago I tried to watch Lost because a friend told me about it, and I was interested, but not to the point where I didn't need it, lol, jk. Well, I decided to put a few episodes on my mp3 player - GO ZUNE! - and watch them during my breaks at work, and now I am sincerely hooked. Within a week and a half I managed to get from episode 8 of season 1 to episode 13 of season 3. I even went out and bought the Lost:Via Domus game for my 360 - which btw, I beat and am now trading it in along with 5 other games to get extra credit to buy Resident Evil 5, woot!. I'm trying to get Noelle hooked, by so far my attempts at getting her to watch ONE episode have been futile, so I'm constantly thinking of new strategies, perhaps a way to blackmail her into watching it, lol.
On another note, she and I just finished watching the Death Note anime series. I read the manga and watched the movies before we watch the anime, and I have to say I loved it all. Granted, there are quite a few differences between the three, but its all good. I especially liked the way the anime portrayed a certain character's death at the end and made it so dramatic. *sigh of relief*, good times.
Also, I would've written about this sooner - but remember, I was on a hiatus - my PS3 fried. Words cannot express how pissed off I was when that happened. First off, I didn't know that it was going to happen, didn't have any indication whatsoever. The only thing that people said to me before was that my PS3 gave off a lot of heat, but I figured that was just the way the machine was. I have a 60GB model, which means I can still play PS2 games, and since I have many that I still haven't beaten, its a good thing. Here's how it happened btw: me, Noelle, and my dad were all watching my first ever Blu-Ray movie, Underworld Evolution, and watched it all the way through, nothing happened. After we finished the movie, I saw that Sony put out an update, and if I ever want to have any kind of online activity, I need to update, so I did. After that, my system rebooted into a world of pretty colors, lines, and dashes. The system froze, colors were everywhere, and I was pissed off. I called Sony and they told me I had to pay $149 to have it fixed, so they sent me a coffin for the damn thing. One thing I was happy about was that they were quick, I got it back - or another one - in about 4 days. During that time I played my 360 and PC. I have it back now, but the thing is, its a refurb model, and they gave me a hard drive different from mine, so all my save files - PS2 included - were gone, and I have to start from scratch. A little miffed, but I can get over it.
Anywho, that's all I'm going to talk about for now. If I can come back real soon from after my events at Megacon with Noelle tomorrow, I'll write about that and a few movie reviews I've been dying to tell everyone. Peace, and once again, sorry for the huge delay everyone!