May thoughts about Alias probably aren't going to make a lot of sense tonight (not that they ever do), because I'm still pulling trying to raise my jaw from the news that Katie Holmes is dating Tom Cruise. Jigga whaaaaaa? Jigga whooooo? Dayum. Katie, you're too pretty to be a beard. I'm just sayin'.
My jaw is also still hanging from that
Lost promo
Oh, hell no, I KNOW Sayid didn't really shoot Locke. Is it next Wednesday, yet?
So, about 25 minutes into this episode, I was like, "What? What do you mean this episode isn't all about Jack mutating into a marine animal? WTF?"
I love how the Embassy guard was like, "I'm going to go take a smoke break while this bomb blows up the building. Be right back!"
How would Sophia have Nadia's cell phone number? And since when, in these post-9/11 times, can you go wait for someone at the gate? Did Sydney and Nadia get some kind of special consideration because Sophia was in a wheelchair, or did they flash some kind of government badge, or something? Yes, these are the kinds of questions that occupy my mind while I'm watching the show. That, and "what is Michael Vartan wearing under his suit?"
Was I the only one screaming that Nadia had better have that St. Marcos pendant swept with a bug detector? Only not whatever crappy one the CIA used, which failed to detect the transmitters in Irina's earrings.
I'm a sucker for a man with nice hands (Helllo, Mr. Vartan!), which made the sight of Jack's hands even more painful. God in heaven, that was nasty. That set off maybe the third chorus of "Poor Jack" I was murmuring throughout the episode.
It was a bit disappointing that Sloane apparently was back to "normal" this week. (That can't last forever, right?) And did Nadia have no reaction to seeing him that way? What about the rest of the APO team? Jesus. It's called follow-up, writers. Look into it.
Nice continuity with the reference to Jose, the girl-molesting groundskeeper.
Sydney: What the hell are you thinking?
Sloane: I'm sure you mean that in the most polite way.
Bwah! How much do I love that smarmy little bastard.
I'm sure Pimp wasn't quite the look Dixon was going for, but holy shit, did it make me laugh when he showed up in the bar.
Between SpyDaddy's mutant eczema, the surgical procedure on his own fucking hand(!) and Vaughn ripping earrings out of Halsy's ear, I was squirming around in my seat like a 3 year-old during tonight's show. Gross. The melting man from "Nightingale" was less disgusting.
I really like Nadia, but remind me again why an Argentine national is being allowed to work for the CIA. I suspend my disbelief a lot for this show, but that's been bugging me for 17 episodes now.
Dammit, Nadia, didn't I freaking tell you to have that pendant checked for bugs?!!!
So Sophia is Elena? I saw spec to that effect after "The Orphan," but it's going to take me a while to figure out why she drew Vaughn to her and led him down the Nightingale path, whether she's in league with Cloane, and most of all, how she could be the youngest Derevko sister when she looks older than Irina and arguably older than Katya. Questions, questions.