Can you find the post you think you commented on? If they deleted the entire post then yeah, your response is gone. If that's the case, then it's more like they were upset by what they had written and decided to take it off. It doesn't reflect badly on you at all. You're so sweet, I doubt anyone would just delete something you had written willy-nilly. *kisses*
If your comment was deleted it would show up as 'deleted post' in the comments I think. More than likely, LJ took its own sweet time about posting and you clicked onto something else before it was done and it got lost; that's happened to me before now.
_No one_ deletes nice feedback from nice people, trust me ::hugs you::
Comments 3
I hope it all gets straightened out.
_No one_ deletes nice feedback from nice people, trust me ::hugs you::
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