secretary_rpg won't let me view past Chapter 234!!! All day I keep getting the error message that the livejournal is too busy. But funnily, I can load the previous chapters just fine!!!
I must read Secretary!! It's not right that there are several chapters written that I can't read! It's just not!
Comments 4
Sadly, MSNtv can't view that type of info (can't open the doc). :( But that's my problem, not yours.
I really appreciate the trouble you went to! I didn't expect my whining to be noticed. :)
I'll just keep trying the LJ site. I'm sure it'll work eventually. ::hugs you again just 'cause::
It's loading fine for me though so fingers crossed ::hugs:: And really, no problem at all!
But I'm at the Secretary site right now, reading away! It's working fine today, as ever.
Thanks again!
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