I'm starting to feel guilty, but I really don't think I should!!
Will you help me?
My grandmother, who has to be stayed with all the time, is staying with my parents for a few weeks. This is my dad's mother. He, though, does not think he has any responsibility to care for her.
He had the nerve to call earlier this morning to ask me to come stay with grandmother while he goes golfing! Apparently, my mother was called into work where she is a substitute cafeteria worker in schools. I (stupidly) mentioned she must have been called to work since he was calling me. He disgustedly said "Yes, she'll work every day, probably! She doesn't need tobe working while Mother is here!" I was so mad about that, but I only said "Well, let's not go down that road." He told me we *would* go down that road. According to him, his sister does not send his mother to stay here so he can care for her, but so that my MOM, the daughter-in-law!!, can. And I said "Even though she's *your* mother? Ok, I got it now." And he hung up!
So there's that. He will take out his anger on me at my mom later, I'm very certain.
Should I have kept my mouth shut? Be honest.
THEN!! An hour later, my brother-in-law called to ask if I'd babysit. Not because a nephew was sick, no! Because apparently they were all still asleep in their beds at 10:15!! Obviously, my sister gave up on getting them up for school and went on in to work. My b-i-l doesn't have a set time to get to work because he takes service calls and go when and whereever they are.
I'm ashamed to say this is not the first time the kids have been left home from school because my sister couldn't get them up. Yes, she owns part of the blame, because she is one of the parents, but my b-i-l owns part, too, since he's laying asleep in bed while my sister tries to get three rowdy boys up at 6:30 in the morning each day!!
Well, you know what I said? Normally, I'd just say yes, but today I told him he needed to hurry and get them up, make them throw their clothes on and get them to school, no matter that it was almost lunchtime there!! I told him it was his responsibility as a parent to make sure they didn't lay out of school. He hemmed and hawed saying they would miss lunch and it was almost halfway through the day anyway and that it's hard to get them up without pulling each one up separately and hollering, etc. I stood firm and told him to do it. It was his job to make sure they knew they were supposed to be in school. (Though of course I don't think it's the responsiblity of the children if their parents won't get them up. Any kid would rather sleep all day than go to school. So I don't blame them at all.)
So now I'm feeling guilty about that! Should I? Be honest.
I really have this horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach for all the crap I've dealt with so far this morning.
I think I need hugs.