I got my new bed now, it toke from 4 in afternoon to 2 a.m in morn to get thiong staighten out. room liveable now, still sore from it. I changed icon do feeling tad lionie.
i been misrable..made more each day soon as hoildays come closer.. i don't tell you all becease..had one friend..just called it drama.. allready got some grief from for ex/exfriend..wanted talk again..
Frist in long time,I felt so like to Horse..my Secend Verion of my self... it hit me Something bad happened... my Equine pride so many times shot to hell and gets even more
i'm around..but kind anti-soical lately on messager.. kind of builed from no message back alot kind deal. i'm tryng deal with some info was told me to me and on toke other probs.. still sinking in hard. Even SL been kind bore lately kind looking forwards to nerco and kind not...