Title: Amidst the Sea
keppiehedWord Count: 842
Prompt: “Serenity” and a challenge to write a story with nine words collected from random pages in a book.
A/N: Written for week #4 at
brigits_flame and
musemuggers, option #4. The list of words is as follows, from Michel Faber’s Vanilla Bright Like Eminemedifice
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Comments 5
This wasn't my favorite piece by a long shot, but I had to work to get all nine words and a feeing of serenity in there. Whew! It was fun, though. You should try it if you feel like writing!
I'm FINALLY replying to you today. I swear I'm not dead. Just all bound up like a mummy so it is taking me three times as long to type anything up. Gah!
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