lol, but then I couldn't seem to find an automatic checker thing to do the work for me. :(
Anyone know of one? :D heh
Anyway, plowing on I begin to wade my wade through my feed list...
The magnitude of the task before me makes my soul quiver in trepidation, but I know I must push on.. for the hope of a brighter tomorrow.
Or something XD.
Oh, I just discovered that my BNET feed is dead! yay, first one! XD
Ok... not that I really remember how the site looked like before, but apparently the entire site was rebuilt
from the ground up while I wasn't paying attention. Heh, seems there's a lot more feed content available too.
Hm... seems I have to create an account to get access to the feeds?
(5 min. later) Nope, didn't have to create an account. Was able to log in with BugMeNot and there's no diff. There still doesn't seem to any 'aggregate' feeds available for the different sections. I must investigate further! Onwards brave soul! onwards! And into the night we go...
Ok, I just finished reading the
"How To Use the BNET Beta" post. And while it did give some insight into the organization of the site now, it noted that stuff was still in development, etc. Oh!
...and I emerged out of the deep darkest of the night, filled with new knowledge and certainty in the path forward. >_>
Oh well... I'll just have to check back later and see if they've updated, bloop.
Bah Firefox is lagging now, restart time.
Alright, back... and I've just found my second dead feed. \o/ This one was for
The Motley Fool... and I guess they just changed its url for... some perfectly well thought out reason! fully worth the inconvenience I'm experience right now! :p yeah right, stupid fuckers XD
Hm... you know, I didn't think I would find so many feeds not working. Maybe I should check more often.
lol, alright, others that I had to update:
TimesOnline World (don't know why the feed url changed -_-)
The Unofficial Yahoo Weblog (I actually knew this one had changed, just forgot to update it)
moblog (I just wasn't paying attention XD it moved back in November) (was I totally out of it? what's going on here?)
Extra stuff, the Unofficial Yahoo Weblog moved to Download Squad and I ended up subscribing to a bunch of ther stuff from there, wewt.
Alright, all the dead ones found (I hope), so now I reorganize/tag all the feeds into a better form... dewp dewp dewp...
Ok, I'm done (done = can't be bothered to work on this anymore right now).
rawr, anyway, finished product, here's my
new OPML, for those who might be interested.
.-. Feel free to post yours if you want, I'm always on the lookout for more reading material. :]
This post brought to you by:
the little people.
(Heh from
faboarts via
Oh yeah! Almost forgot to say! :D