Teddy Bears .______.

May 16, 2007 19:56

Alright, I should have the beginning of this story somewhere in my logs...
/me checks...

Ah right, here, about two months ago:

Amy: http://blogs.bcheights.com/seniors/2007/01/11/hey-senior-girls-you-deserve-more/#comments

Me: hm...
Me: lol
Me: that was an interesting read
Me: meep
Me: so
Me: do you deserve more?
Me: XD
Amy: lol
Amy: yes
Amy: i deserve teddy bears and wat not
Me: teddy bears?

and the relevant bits from that link:

What if this “no dating” culture is really just an urban myth propagated by all the males in our student body who are too lazy, unmotivated, or just plain trying to “live the college lifestyle” to have real, bonafide relationships?
I’ve heard many of you say, I know I won’t meet anyone until after college, out in the “real world” where people go on “real” dates. While this might be true, I still say make this last semester count. Don’t put up with the emotionless hook-ups if that’s not what you really want, in an attempt to make the guy come around and see how wonderful you really are. We deserve more. We deserve a guy who calls when he says he will, who pursues you because he can’t seem to spend enough time with you, who doesn’t lie about having a girlfriend or suddenly stop talking to you one day after getting back with an ex. We’re intelligent, we’re hard working - otherwise, would we be at a school like BC? And we.deserve.more.

lol, and of course I couldn't just let that lie without doing anything. o________O Wouldn't want her to think I was giving her less than she deserved. o.o; So, with a few followups to get a better picture of the task at hand I uh... started looking. o_o;
Then about a month after that ^^; I start in on something different:

Me: o.o
Me: oh yeah
Me: do you want a plushie of my store's uh... mascot?
Me: lol
Me: o.o;
Me: it's a penguin
Amy: o.o
Amy: yea
Amy: penguins are cute o.o
Amy: <3
Me: it's a blue penguin
Amy: *turns matty into a penguin plushie*
Amy: o__o
Me: heh
Amy: it's blue?
Amy: err? o_o;
Amy: scary
Amy: ._.
Amy: mutant penguin
Amy: .-.;;
Me: with a christmas hat
Me: and big eyes
Amy: o_o
Amy: lol
Amy: hah
Amy: thats cute ^^
Me: lol
Me: ok
Me: http://www.flickr.com/photos/hawaii/262586028/in/set-72157594315963023/

Hum... so I had been looking for bears and I think I first started searching on Froogle. But the shipping prices out here are kind of expensive o.O so yeah, that stopped after a bit. Then I was looking through local retailers, and for random stores on Google Maps. But, I couldn't find anything I liked compared to what I could find online. Rawr, so I ended up going back to Froogle and searching some more. I actually ended up finding a good store with reasonable prices (IQ Kids), so yay.

So the bear that I wanted to get I got:

Dylan ^^

Though of course, I couldn't just send one o.O What kind of person would I be if I did that? So along went
Big Brighton ~(._.)~

and she ended up getting them right at the beginning of this month. wewt :)

So with the bears off and at home, it was time to move on to the penguin. Heh. I bought it soon after that sending the bears and I actually just had it mailed. lol, though it cost me like $37 to send =\ I should have gotten a smaller box. I actually wanted to keep the penguin (it was quite huggable). But, you know, you have to know how to let things go... for the greater good :P.

Ahm... and that's the end of the story. Har... and the lessons that can be learned from this story are...
1: Give people what they deserve XD
2: Froogle is actually useful
3: Use as small a box as possible when mailing something =\
4: I need more plushies
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