SALES POST- Preorder Arashi Tour [Love] goods

Nov 28, 2013 02:36

hello minna-san!

I have a friend living in japan and she will go to buy some goods for me and my friends from the concert of Tokyo.
also she can get some goods for a pre-order too but she have just 10 slots for each good.

If you want to order with us these are price:

  1. Pamphlet: 2400 yen (slot:1)
  2. Jumbo Uchiwa:800 yen (slot: Aiba(10), Matsumoto(4), Ninomiya (5), Ohno(6), Sakurai (8))
  3. Photoset(6 varients):800 yen
  4. Shopping Bag:2100 yen (slot:0)*
  5. Bath Towel:3800 yen (slot:10)
  6. Mini Uchiwa:500 (Slot:Aiba (9), Matsumoto(7), Ninommiya(7), Ohno(9), Sakurai (9), Group (0)*)
  7. Large Handkerchief:800 yen (slot: 10)
  8. Ribbon Bracelet(Tokyo**):800 yen  (slot:4)
  9. Fluffy Sticker:800 yen (slot: 8)
  10. Poster:1200 (slot: Aiba(9), Matsumoto(7), Ninomiya(5), Ohno(9), Sakurai(9), Group(9))
  11. Clearfile:800 yen (slot: Aiba(10), Matsumoto(9), Ninomiya(9), Ohno(10), Sakurai(9), Group(7)
  12. Penlight:1800 (slot:0*)
  13. T-Shirt:3200 yen (slot: 10)
  14. Pair Pouch:1800 yen (slot:9 )
  15. Letter Set:800 yen (slot: 9)

*: Me and my friends taked all those slots already but MAYBE my friend can get another 5 or 10 slots (she needs to know how many people wants these goods over the 10 first slots). Please send me a mp if you are interested ^^
** We don't know the color of the Tokyo's bracelet but since Red, Green and purple bracelets was released already the color for this venue can be Blue or Yellow)
- All the goods will be shipping from Japan
- Payments by paypal
- Prices do not include shipping cost
- Prices do not include Paypal fees
Deadline: December 4th (24:00 in Japanese time)

DEadline extended: december 6th (24:00 Japanese time)

Also my friend have this goods from the Arafes 2013

- 1 cushion: 3500 yen
- 1 clearfile: (arashi members over the cubes) 1000 yen
- 1 photoset: 1000 yen

also  Hey!Say!Jump goods:

1300 yen each one

Also if you are interested on kpop
my friend is a japanese aLF so she can take order fro the new japanese single of super junior [Blue world]


- CD only: $18
- CD+DVD: $24
- ELF japan version: $23
More info:

goods. sales, arashi, concert, preorder, johnnys

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