Meet the ten members of awesome North Dakota:
Natural, organic, rustic, I forgot T, heavenly. Dynamic, angelic, kool with a k, oooooooooh, tantalizingly awesome.
Oh baby.
(Note the substantial difference in size.)
Ladies and gentlemen, I see progress:
(We could not suppress a fleeting moment of immaturity--"What's 'Wonko?'")
But really, after hours of hard work...
Our finished product:
Spiffy, no?
Now lastly, for the first time in the history of American High (because '07 knows how to do it right), our backdrop stood tall, proud, and strong throughout, without failure or departure from the wall:
Great job to all the candidates: Priya Shukla, Rahul Krishnan, James Hagan, Rahul Subramaniam, and Dan Zhou. Congratulations!
Betsy & Me. I want to say "Betsy and I," but I think there's a certain ring to Betsy & Me.
It could be the next hit movie.
The V is for Peace Garden State.
Baby I'm sorry your legs fell off.
I wanna loooooove you.
Wait, is that right?
Let me a get a close-up on that: