Because I'm bored I stole this from Kari

Apr 26, 2008 23:53

Only Because she came to my theater and refused to show me id for a rated-R movie :-P

Step 1. Put your playlist on random.
Step 2. Post the first line from the first 25 songs that play, no matter how embarrassing. (You can skip songs that are instrumental.)
Step 3. Strike out the songs when someone guesses correctly.

1 She said she'd meet me in the bar at the plaza hotel.
2 Well the weather man said it might storm today.
3 It was many years ago today.
4 Saturday Night and you're still hanging around
5 Come out Virginia, Don't make me wait
6 I will sing, I will sing the glory of the lord
7 Every Breath you take Woo Kari!
8 In the still, of the night
9 I was riding on the Mayflower when I thought I spotted some land.
10 Little Sister, don't you worry 'bout a thing today
11 O, Hallowed Halls and Vine draped walls
12 She was all i ever wanted
13 Boy! You're gonna carry that weight!
14 One day, when came home at lunch time.
15 Picture yourself in a boat on a river
16 Well we're living here in Allentown
17 You know the Day destroys the night
18 Once there was a way to get back home again
19 There's a Destination a little up the road
20 Look I find some of what you teach suspect Woo Kari...again!
21 To Me, Coming from you
22 If you search for tenderness, it isn't hard to find
23 I am what I am, I can't help myself
24 I have a match, but she has a lighter
25 From a town known as Wheeling, West Virginia

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