Or wish you were! However, if I must have it seared into my brain, so must everyone else, lol!
My dear friend
jo_zed_pee_em sent this too me last night without any real warning - we then proceeded to have a utterly bizzare and hilarious conversation which can be summed up with the John/Rodney snippet thats also under the cut...
Someone clearly had a lot of wishful thinking and access to photoshop...! lol!
Sheppard nearly choked when he opened the 'chat board' on the Atlantis mainframe.
He should have known better than to click on anything Zelenka posted. Especially when it said 'NSFW'. The Czech scientist was twisted.
Although this may be a new level of twisted previously unknown to human kind.
"Oh my god, what are you looking at?" McKay asked over his shoulder.
"Zelenka posted it on the chat board. It's... can you imagine getting pants that fit," Sheppard said. Which was a bit ludicrous when he thought about it, but then his brain had pretty much dribbled out his ear in self defence the moment he saw it.
"Or condoms," McKay added. "And I can't imagine a blowjob ever being satisfying."
Sheppard snorted, feeling better about his own comments. "I don't think you'd ever need a condom, Rodney. My ass wants to curl up and die even thinking about that... thing."
"Yeah..." McKay agreed vaguely.
"Rodney, please tell me you aren't trying to work out how you'd have sex with a cock that big..."
"What, no," McKay said blushing. "It's just interesting from an um... physics point of view..."
"Rodney... I'm going to get a complex..."