Title: Dance Along the Edge (2/20)
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Buffy, Obi-Wan, Dexter Jettster
Crossover: Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Star Wars
Spoilers: Episode II; all Clone Wars media
Summary: Snark, comedy, action, a hint of romance; what's not to love? A series of of Buffy/Obi-Wan drabbles set during the Clone Wars
Disclaimer: Joss owns "Buffy," Lucas owns "Star Wars," I own my glasses.
AN: This series of drabbles was originally written for the
Paradise Lost November Drabble-a-Thon challenge. Most of these drabbles will probably be used and expanded in a story I'm currently plotting and will hopefully start writing once finals are over. Thanks to the amazing
revdorothyl for betaing!
Part One Prompt: Confused
Obi-Wan stood watching his Padawan and Senator Amidala leave, breathing deeply and attempting to ignore the person beside him. He didn't know what to make of this "Buffy Summers" he was now expected to work with. He had only met her the day before, but he could tell that it would be an annoyance to interact with her on this level.
She was angry, annoying, and far too much of a liability to have on such a delicate mission. He had no doubt that she was capable in her own way, but he had a feeling she would do nothing to assist his assignment to track down the mysterious bounty hunter that was targeting Senator Amidala. Hearing the object of his thoughts begin humming off-key, he motioned for her to follow him, going to Dex's to talk to him about the poison dart.
She was blessedly silent on the ride over, except for drumming her fingers on the side. "Please stop," he ordered curtly before doing his best to block her out. She rolled her eyes, but thankfully desisted.
"Obi-Wan!" Dex greeted them as they walked in. "Hey there, buddy!" Catching sight of Buffy, his grin grew wider. "Buffy! Why didn't you tell me you were working with this scoundrel over here?" He enveloped her in a massive hug, which she returned.
"Dex! If Benjy here had told me his oh-so-special informant was you, I might've actually been looking forward to this thing, instead of thinking the guy would be all Wesley-ish," she replied, a smile on her face.
"How do you two know each other?" Obi-Wan asked, a slightly confused look on his face both from Buffy's language and the thought of her being friends with Dex. Buffy Summers didn't appear to be the type of person who would know someone of Dex's...caliber. Looking at the petite blonde and the large, overweight alien, he was struck by the contrast between the two of them.
"I helped Dex here out of a jam that led to my favorite pair of boots getting completely destroyed," Buffy answered in a teasing voice. "Of course, I was able to get him to give me as much food as a girl could possibly want, so I call it a win." She and Dex fell into an easy banter, with Obi-Wan feeling like the odd man out. This was a completely different side to Buffy, one that he had never expected, given the hardened, angry woman he had met last night.
"So, as much as I love catching up with two of my favorite humans, I doubt that's why you're here," Dex finally said, squeezing himself into a booth across from Obi-Wan and Buffy, who kept an uneasy distance between themselves.
Feeling relieved to be back on the mission, Obi-Wan pulled out the dart. "What can you tell us about this?"
Part Three