"Nobody makes my China Doll look bad! Nobody!"

Nov 26, 2013 11:27

DS is none to happy that his daughter is being upstaged on Facebook by some Starsky loving ( and I mean Starsky loving !!) Italian donna. He warns her off with a classic (and oh so sexy) Hutch pose.

I thought I would share a fun little interchange between myself and my two (wonderful) Italian amiche - waving to Hansolo (Manuela) and Licia. We often entertain ourselves with this sort of stuff. It makes up for our mutual deficits in each others' languages haha.

I opened my fb page and there were two consecutive posts by 1. China Soul and 2. Licia. Licia's directly followed China's. I could NOT resist the temptation to do something with it.

No disrespect intended to China's pumpkin pie or culinary skills - I am sure they are both outstanding - it's just compared to Licia, anyone's culinary creations would look a little sad.

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