So far this not having class, but doing all my work, on MWF, is not going very well. It's 2pm already, and so far I have dealt with Valentine's Day and gone to the gym. Homework? What's that
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Time for your once-every-few-months update from yours truly. Becky has been bugging me about never writing in here, and I think I've built up sufficiently large amounts of homework to avoid to justify an entry. I also recently created a new livejournal - amisduvraimonde - that is supposed to be aimed towards those of you who are my real world
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I bought a winter coat just in time.... the high on Thursday in Minnesota is supposed to be 0. That's the HIGH. The forcasted low is -12, and who knows what the fuck the windchill will be... Yuck. Bring me back to London!
Let's see here... So much going on, and yet I never seem to manage to update this anymore. Funny, since I am still as avid a reader as ever
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