Difficult Questions Quiz

Mar 05, 2005 18:16

Stolen from Kelly. ;-) My answers kinda suck, though, since I don't understand some of them and/or don't know how to answer them. :-/

Difficult Questions Quiz

1. What religion do you practice? Orthadox Christian
2. What do you think of organized religion? You know, I really don't know, since I just found out what it meant a little while ago. :-/ But I guess it's necesary.
3. Should the pope be able to retire? I don't see why not.
4. What do you think of the catholic church's recent problems with molestation of children? I think it's wrong and disgusting. Any molestation is wrong, but in a church?! Disgusting.
5. What do you think of Wiccans/Pagans/etc? I don't exactly believe in it, but I think you should be able to believe in what you want to believe in.
6. Do you believe whats written in the bible is gods word? I honestly can't answer that because, well, I don't know. :-/ I don't really know that much about the Bible.
7. Should children with ADD/ADHD be medicated? Yes.
8. Should divorce be outlawed? No. Some married people just grow apart. I just wish divorce didn't happen so often.
9. Should young people be implanted with birthcontrol to stop teenage pregnancy? I think it would help stop unplanned pregnancies, but...eh...I'm gonna have to say no.
10. Should anyone be able to be a parent? No. Would you want a drug dealer as a parent? Or how about an abusive parent? not everyone should be able to take care of a child.
11. What are your views on abortion? It's the woman's body so it's her choice. I definitly think that if you do decide to get an abortion, you should do it asap. I also think that no one should be forced to be a parent or give the baby up for adoption. But if you know that you're not going to be able to provide a loving enviroment for a baby, then you should probably consider adoption before adortion. I dunno...It's easier to argue about these situations in person rather then typing everything out.
12. Do you support president bush? I don't exactly agree with all his decisions, but I support him because I care about my country and don't really have a solid reason for not suporting hm.
13. Do you support our troops? Of course! I just wish they could all come home now.
14. Who should be president? Hmm...Condeleezza Rice? I don't know..
15. What are your views on the death penalty? I'm more against it then for it. I just finished a big report on it and we could save so much more money if we abolished it. And wouldn't you rather have a criminal suffer in jail for life then killing them instantly?
16. Should the death penalty be allowed for use on minors? Of course not.
17. What are your views of members of the fetish community? Whatever floats your boat, I guess.
18. What are your views on masturbation? It's a normal, healthy thing. Just do it the privacy of your own home. :-/
19. What are your views on the second amendment? (Right to Bear Arms) I'm mostly against it. There are way too many children being killed by their parents guns.
20. Should marajuana be legalized? I know a lot of people who would say Yes, but I don't exactly see why. I mean, it's a drug. An addicting drug. Maybe I don't understand it's importance (if there is one..)?
21. What are your views on censorship? Fuck that. Freedom of speech. Ok..maybe I agree with it when it comes to childrens shows, but honestly how many naked people yelling curse words do you see on shows like Blues Clues?
22. What are your views on homosexuality? I see nothing wrong with it. You love/lust whoever you love/lust, no matter what sex they are.
23. What are your views on gay marriage? Should be legalized. Love doesn't see gender.

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