The Once and Future Queen

Sep 27, 2009 07:58

Yes, I am back home. And yes, I said I would not be posting. And yes, I did get up at 6.30am this morning to watch the new episode. So sue me xp

I'm about to go to a concert my brother and sister are in, so I'll make this a short squee post, perhaps to be expanded later.

I actually really enjoyed this episode! So much more than I was expecting. The ArthurGwen parts didn't feel too forced and I woke my brother up screaming at the kiss ^^;; The whole episode flowed well and I like the plot this week (wow!) Everyone acted really well and the jousting! <333 My absolute favourite parts were all Merlin though! The yelling scene with Gaius...OMG, I squeed and cooed so much *pats poor little Merlin* And the leeches xD So brilliant, all of it. Sorry for any lack of coherence xp

Next weeks trailer IYUGFTGDJRYGFCGJHfyukujyhgfkjhfghtfYGFHGFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Totally deservig of keyboard smash! OMG! So looking forward to it. Of course the dragon would join Gaius' "don't tell morgana club". Merlin needs to realise that the legend we all know (and hate) will come about because he does what the dragon says! I don't know how he could be expected to know that, but he should! xD

So yeah, episode 2 <3333 Has my seal of approval xD


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