Just a short one, hopefully.
Firstly, THANK GOD Ben is still alive! \o/ I seriously thought throughout the epi that he was a gonner, so I was semi-weepy and pissed off while watching. But he's alive still and everything is okay with the world. ^____^
A couple of things. This made me smile:
Ben: Was there something that you needed, John?
Locke: Well, Ben, I was hoping that you and I could talk about the elephant in the room.
Ben: I assume you're referring to the fact that I killed you.
I just love the way they both say these lines.
Also: "If everything you've done has been in the best interests of the island, then I'm sure the monster will understand."
*smirkity smirk smirk*
STOP BEING CREEPY AND EVIL, LOCKE. LEAVE POOR BEN ALONE! Sure he may have killed you, that's no reason to hold a grudge >_> Surely?
Ho shit!
"This gentleman and I are taking a boat. Does anyone else have a problem with that?"
LOL. Oh Ben, you're so badass. ^_^
I felt so bad for Ben with all that stuff about his daughter. :( He's got such a gentle heart, really. Even if he is really fucking insane and likes to kill people on occasion.
I love how protective he was over baby Alex. He was ordered to kill people, his favourite thing in the world, and he didn't cos he went all woobie over a baby ^_^ Oh, Ben.
Awww! I luff daddy!Ben, he's adorable.
"Dead is dead. You don't get to come back from that. Not even here. So the fact that John Locke is walking around this island.....scares the living hell outta me."
I love how many sides Ben has to his personality. Like, this is something you'd never really expect him to say, but there it is. He's cunning, sly, conniving, sneaky etc. but he's also capable of loving, and he knows when to be scared. And he's so blunt in stating that. I love that about him.
You may wanna go inside."
"Because what's about to come out of that jungle is something I can't control."
LOL. I see wut u did thar.
Oh god, I was shitting myself when Ben was on the phone to Whidmore. Seriously, I was pretty much hugging my knees and rocking, going 'Not Pennyyyyy. Noooooooo. Don't do eet, Ben!!"
"In fact, I'm looking at our mutual friend right now."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"It's the name of the boat that Penny's on."
Heh. But nooooooooooooo!
Oh hai, Des! *waves*
But noooooooooooo! Omg, BAD BEN! DO NOT SHOOT THE DESMOND!
Does anyone else love the fact that Ben actually feels the need to explain to Penny why he's doing what he's doing? Shows he's not just some evil sonofabitch. He's just crazy with the desire for revenge. Which....isn't great, but......at least he's honest about it? I'm sticking up for him too much, aren't I?
And aww! He gets all woobie about Desmond and Penny's kid! He's such a softie ^_^
But I'm not too miffed with Des for beating on Ben. I'll admit he fully deserved that, and Des needed to protect his family. So it's all good. And also! Ben wanted Sun to tell Desmond he's sorry! Aw, Ben, you just can't go wrong in my eyes.
Sorry. I felt the need. Pretty blood!
BITCH ALERT! This woman needs to die. She's annoying. And tries way too hard to be creepy. She needs lessons from Ben.
This scene pretty much speaks for itself. It was awesome.
Aww, Ben D:
I squeed when Alex appeared. Should've known she's not really alive again, though. And I could've told Ben that "It was all my fault" was not the right thing to say, because duh. We know that. We forgive you. (Well....maybe not Alex, but....)
And we're back to Locke being leader again. I'm not sure how I feel about that. See, when Locke's leader, he gets all smug and smirks a lot. Like he did in this episode. He also says things like "Jack may have given you the impression that this is a democracy, but it's not. What I say goes." (I can't remember the exact wording, but it was pretty much along those lines. I also can't remember which episode or season that was. Season 3 maybe? Anyway.) Yeah, so....I'm not sure I like Locke when he's like that. He gets annoying and smug and ruthless (but not in a good way.......in a let's-let-Boone-get-killed kinda way. Yes, I'm still sore about that). I feel he lets the power go to his head, and he gets incredibly self-righteous about being the island's best-buddy and knowing what's best for it etc etc. But.....we'll see.
Okay, maybe that wasn't so short. *shrug*