Oh lord, this is going to be LONG, so long that it will probably take several posts to cover just the basics. Because the story is long. This is the story of my god-friend's people, told to me by him personally. There's a LOT more to this, more than I have time to write down, but this is the part that directly applies to the dynamic going on today. Some elements you may recognize from ancient myths and legends, others you may find competely unfamiliar. Hopefully, in the end, it will make sense of the current hodge-podge of myth, error, and disinformation out there on this subject.
Be aware that this is a first draft and the footnotes are not adequate scholarship...the real scholarship is there to support it but I don't have time or energy right now to go track it all down again, so I'm writing out of my notes.
Long ago a small party of humanoids came to the star system that includes Earth, looking for resources - mostly biological resources - to rebuild the genetic diversity of their homeworld and heal their genetic wounds after a protracted civil war that culminated in the exchange of biological and nuclear weapons. We know this group as the Igigi, the first exploratory mission to Earth of the civilization later to have a large presence here, and known in our history as the Anunaki (1) . They liked Mars best - it was different then - but Earth was interesting, too, primarily because of its variety of life, its oceans, and the other quasi-humanoid water-dwelling race they found already exploring it for their own purposes - looking for medicinal compounds and different methods of cellular metabolism that didn't require eating (undersea volcanic vents are literal hotbeds for that research). These were the Oannes, and the Igigi and the Oannes quickly became friends and began to work together as they discovered a strong synergy - each race had strengths where the other had weaknesses.
The Oannes were a very small band indeed...even their homeworld was sparsely populated...and because of their small number, these gentle beings developed cetacean partners (rather like themselves) to help them do their work on Earth, which inspired the Igigi to develop homonid partners (also rather like themselves). It is no accident that cetaceans and humans tend to form friendships - this ancient friendship has its roots in our respective genetic legacies (once together, always together).
The Igigi and the Oannes worked together for so long that they had started setting up colonies together (these are the roots of the Lemuria and Atlantis myths - Lemuria was an Oannes-centric settlement, and Atlantis was an Igigi-centric settlement). They did not interbreed because they were genetically very distinct and wanted to remain so (in fact, some of the Igigi were violently allergic to the Oannes...perhaps an origin of dangerous human allergies to seafood)...but when incompatible proteins didn't interfere, the two races formed a good and comfortable synergy in cooperative works and many individuals formed deep bonds of friendship.
Things were looking good: their respective missions were going well...the Oannes achieved food-independence, and the Igigi's discoveries had almost healed their world when one day the Igigi received a communication from their homeworld - "come home immediately, we have to evacuate our whole population because our star is destabilizing." An unknown force was marching across the cosmos, headed straight for their homeworld, an advancing line of instability that threw each sun it touched into deadly convulsions.(2) The Igigi went home, and so did many of the Oannes, as they were not sufficiently numerous to maintain the settlements they had shared with the Igigi. The homonids were set free in the wild, as were the cetaceans.
The leader of the Igigi at that time was Nudimmud, or "Nu" for short: he was the older brother of the homeworld leader who is known on Earth by his title, An or, confusedly, Anu (4). Nu had no title because he should have, by tradition, been the leader himself, but he was an engineer...a geek...not a politician, so he abdicated and went offworld to get out of the way as his younger brother struggled to manage the complex process of recovery facing their homeworld after the terrible war. Nudimmud found himself recalled to undertake the enormous task of creating methods of conveyance capable of transporting nearly 10 billion people spread across three planets in two adjacent star systems...to two planets they knew would sustain them...Mars and Earth.
Meanwhile, Nu's younger nephew, who is known in human history by his title, Enlil (5), who had an established reputation as an irresponsible screw-up, announced his intention to find a hyperspatial transport system consisting of teleportation waypoints he had heard about, and in supposed search of this technology, very conveniently disappeared and thus avoided working on the main exodus project. Nu tried his best, but ultimately did not succeed. Their sun was beginning to be affected as ours is now...and he went to his brother and resigned yet again, a terrible loss of face in that culture. He passed the responsibility to his elder nephew, Ea(3), the young man Nu had raised when his brother had set him aside in preference to his eldest legally legitimate son, Enlil.
Ea broke up Nu's well funded but too-comfortable and bureaucratic project team, took a few key members off-planet and away from the politics and distractions, and along with a close friend (and accomplished pilot), known in human history by his title, Anzu, completed a prototype of his uncle's design for a planetary drive that worked...but because of the enormous scale, the success came too late to produce more. The decision was made to put a few of the experienced Igigi, a few senior officials, and a handpicked group of the best and brightest of the young adults on the prototype planetoid - named Nibiru (7) - and send them to safety. Enlil (8) showed up at the last minute, empty-handed, but as official heir was guaranteed passage.
The next mission to the new star system was a sorrowful exodus that took an agonizingly long time (compared with the very fast smaller ships) that allowed old grudges to fester and political rivalries to divide the population into cliques. The already strained relationship between the two sons of An worsened significantly when the planetoid neared the solar system and someone sabotaged the planetary drive. This coincidentally happened after An appointed Ea in charge the resettlement of Mars (Ki.ru) and Earth (Ki) (6) in recognition of his success with the planetary drive (and to silently rebuke Enlil for his disappearing act).
As a result of the sabotage, the planetoid was left on a disastrous trajectory. Repair could not be accomplished with the resources they had, so alternate means of steering and slowing the planetoid into an orbit were frantically sought. Again the half-brothers came into conflict over the methodology. An hoped to give Enlil an opportunity to redeem himself, so he was given the right to try his method first, which was to use thermonuclear devices to move several planets into different orbits to encourage the planetoid to fall into a gravitational band between them. But one of the planets broke apart and pieces were sent hurtling inwards....and nearly destroyed Mars. Ea was then allowed to pursue his idea, to mine the asteroids for water to use in a series of smaller plasma drives to steer the planetoid as it fell inwards to the sun so that it would not collide with anything, to swing around the sun rather than fall into it, and to continue to steer it as it hurtled back out again. This left the planetoid in a very eccentric orbit that was not only terribly elongated but also tilted to the plane of the ecliptic. But it bought time to mine, manufacture components, and rebuild the planetary drive...and to replan their races' entire future.
The long period in deep space exceeded the planned mission duration of the planetoid, so new resources for it had to be acquired. Expeditions were sent to Earth to begin the reprovisioning process. These discovered the Oannes gone, and the humanoids forming a primitive culture and religion based on fading memories of their ancestral contact with the original Igigi. It was an easy matter to reintroduce themselves to their former helpers, who accepted them as returning "gods."
To be continued...
(1) Anunaki is the correct spelling, not "Anunnaki" - double letters have a different meaning, and in this case represents a corruption of the original to indicate "
fallen to Earth*" or "self-serving" (as opposed to the one-n nobler form of serving others rather than binding it up for the self). The two-n spelling is an insult.
(2) That line now lies somewhere between Betelgeuse and Sol...only a few years out...and its forerunner effects are already impacting the heliopause, outer planets, and even Earth. Global warming is actually warming of the entire planetary system as the heliosphere is being compressed by this invading force...compress anything and it heats up. It is politically incorrect to blame anything but humans for this warming, but in truth the temperature on every other planet has been observed to be climbing rapidly...it's in current scientific literature. Don't believe me? Do your own search.
(3) Whose name means "Yes-No" - as in "yes, I love you, but no, I can't live with you" - the note attached to the boy when he was returned to his father's court by his mother...a delegate from a hyperspatial race identified in history only as "the snake people." They were not snakes per se...and almost certainly humanoid (not reptilian)...but even my god-friend does not know the real origin of the term - the records were purged and the few insiders who knew about it ordered to remain silent. (Whoah.)
(4) Anu is a mashup of the two senior leaders of the evacuees, An and Nu, that evolved on Earth long after both of these leaders had withdrawn from Earth. Remember what I said about not repeating letters in most cases, thus only one n is represented.
(5) The Bel in Bel Enlil and the El in Elil, common variants of Enlil's name, both mean the same thing: god. This reveals the mindset of the particular person and his coterie.
(6) Earth = EA + R+Th, Ea's
Creation*(Terraformed Planet), also Ta.ra, "natural inundation" (possibly due to the large amount of water....possibly foreshadowing of Enlil's choice of flood to destroy the world (the technology of these beings renders bidirectional causality, so future can echo in the past).
(7) Nibiru = Ni (strength)+bi (escape)+ru (blow (as wind), to send)
(8) Enlil = En (commander) + lil (fool, baby talk, wind) < yes, that double-entendre could be a huge insult no matter how you look at it
* I am cross referencing to Hebrew because the Sumerian online lexicons are not organized or searchable in this manner, and the structure is substantially similar in theory. Hebrew is MUCH simpler than Sumerian, but is close enough for these examples. I intend to write a complete explanation of the process required to process any word in any language through an analysis of letters.
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