Goran is the god of dwarves. Goran’s origins are unclear, but it seems the most likely that he was once a great dwarven hero and king, who was uplifted to demigod status by Corean the Champion. This theory is supported by the presence of Goran’s divine realm in Corean’s divine plane, The Mithril Heaven.
Goran appears as a taller and sturdier version of the dwarves. He still bears the scars of the Divine War. On the left side of his face, hangs one long braid of his dark beard, which whips about the demigod’s head when he is enraged or fighting. The right side of Goran’s face is bade, the skin red and covered with barely healed scars, from where Nathalos ripped it out. His dark hair falls between his muscular shoulders, but the top of his head is bald. His eyes are steel grey and spark when he is angry. And the little finger of Goran’s left hand is missing, due to a battle with Gaurak the Glutton’s creations. Goran fights with his greataxe and spells, and at anytime he can pulls the axe symbols from his breastplate and throw them as weapons.
The vast majority of Goran’s followers live in and around Burok Torn, in the Keldar mountains of eastern Ghelspad. Goran spends much of his time in Burok Torn on the material plane, wandering the halls of the fortress and watching over his followers. Constant threat from the dark elves below, the forces of Calastia from above, and titan spawn monsters from all over, endanger the dwarven kingdom and keep the demigod ever vigilant. Goram has become single minded in his quest to destroy Nathalos and the dark elves of Dier Drendal, and drives his people on to achieving it.
Hwyrdd the Rogue is the god of the halflings. It is said by the halfling priests that he is son of Denev and Enkili, and his love for the earth and mischievous ways certainly support this explanation. Like his halfling followers, Hwyrdd is small in stature, but extremely talented, clever, and lucky. While he fights only when necessary, he was involved in many conflicts during the Divine War, distracting and tricking several of the titans and their followers. He primarily wields his short sword, which constantly flickers into and out of invisibility, but he can also throw stones with deadly accuracy.
Hwyrdd is worshipped nearly exclusively by halflings. In Ghelspad this is primarily in the country now known as the Heteronomy of Virduk, part of the Calastian Hegemony. The halfling race is often abused in the lands of Scarn, especially in Ghelspad. Nevertheless, the lighthearted people who follow Hwyrdd seem strong spirited and fearless in the face of adversity.
Sethris, the Spider Queen, is the goddess of vengeance. She is the child of Belsameth and the demon-lord Orcus, the result of a malignant and violent coupling. She appears as a lovely woman with lustrous, purple-black hair and lips, and bitter, hate-filled eyes. Her demeanor mars her attractive features, as she is usually mocking and filled with scorn. She typically wears form fitting black clothing with minimal adornments. In battle she wields a poisoned blade or transforms herself into a colossal spider creature.
Sethris spent her early years in the divine realms of her parents, either the Black Lands of Belsameth or in her father’s old realm in the Pestilential Abyss. She did not have the divine abilities of most demigods, as she had no worshipers. After the Divine War she sought out the Forsaken Elves, offering to become their new goddess as their old god was dead. They spurned her, which angered her so much she created the narleths, arachnid creatures charged with hunting down and destroying elves. Not long afterwards she encountered a strange tribe of spider-eye goblins. These creatures began to revere her, making her their goddess, and finally giving her the power she desired.
Sethris makes her home in the ethereal plane, in Nathal, the city of webs. It is here she has learned to use the transitive nature of the ethereal plane to connect her webs to many other planes, where she scrys upon the many different realms.
In addition to her spider-eye goblins, those seeking revenge sometimes invoke Sethris to aid them. If their plight is great enough she make seek to intervene and aid them, however she is a fickle goddess and is as likely to harm them if they ever spurned her in the past.